Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Is Considered A Big Fibroid

" The Train "Rizzoli-editions Lizard

Finalmente ci siamo, o almeno quasi ... Tra pochi giorni sarà disponibile in libreria e fumetteria il mio ultimo lavoro (mio e del caro amico e collega Andrea Vivaldo che ha realizzato graficamente la storia in maniera magistrale) intitolato "Il Treno". la storia parte dal 1968, epoca della contestazione studentesca per arrivare al 1980 in un giorno particolare ... non voglio dirvi di più, sul momento, almeno per non togliere il piacere (spero) di leggere la storia. Vi dico solo che si tratta dell'amicizia e non solo, tra tre ragazzi ventenni ai tempi di quella rivoluzione sociale, culturale e studentesca che forse è was, maybe no (how many words have been spent on the subject by journalists, historians and essayists much better than me), but that has meant so much for our recent history.

Three people, Andrea, Mark and Sandra. Three destinies. Three different lives that intersect for a moment and then move along the tracks of life ... until the end when they return to their starde meet. Do not want to elaborate further, at least for now, consider this post just an appetizer of what slowly insert just want to tell you that behind this book because there is so much documentation and research when it comes to "History", the real one, not admitted misconduct. I searched for months on, books, television documentaries and internet material that I needed until perhaps, for having too much, because there was too much to write. The comic book has allowed me the summary of facts and events that hopefully will make the linear narrative and welcome, the rest have done the emotions ... at least mine arming my pen and allowing me to write this little story.


Andrew (farista)