out, united in a single register, the little saga of "Lost Paradise" written by me and written and produced by three talented graphic designers, Alan D'Amico (first episode), Alan Slaviero (second and fourth episode) and Vincenzo Riccardi (third episode). The story begins on planet Earth and its twin Newfoundland. The human race is in fact a result of an unprecedented schism, it was divided and a small community room on a different planet where you start life anew, is born so Newfoundland where the air is much thinner than Earth's door some small change in the human genome (the inhabitants of Newfoundland are higher because of land have developed a larger chest to forfeit more oxygen in each breath ... we want to do, are ruminations by writer !). The two peoples, now living apart and separated, but a threat from outer space and perhaps in time, threatening the two worlds. Will our protagonists to have to be charged to save the known universe and provide hope (maybe even meeting) to the human race ...
That's Paradise Lost was a troubled history, both from the narrative point of view as from that editorial. The first two episodes in fact, came out in the magazine "Comics Chronicle " then, for any delays, you chose to complete the project by bringing together the work (the ones already made and those still working) in a single register that would provide, at least, the necessary continuity to the story. There is thus, in the same register, styles and different interpretations by the artists mentioned above, but each of them, and this I believe, has brought a little 'art of their baggage to the series. Read it without bias and we are, hopefully, also a metaphor for society, only by overcoming our differences and distrust we can hope to become better people ... This is the basic message is behind this science fiction story.
What else ... good read and if you can come and visit the booth of "Chronicle of Topolinia " for a chat.
Andrew ( farista )