Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tokyo Subway Molestation

"Neighborhood Issues Tunuè

Cesarini In the area we did. Lucca will also come "Quarters" my new graphic novel by Nicholas Storai designed and published by Tunuè. "Quarters" is about ... but because I have to tell me?! Joking of course. This is an excerpt from the site of Tunuè and that I myself have written to describe this comic / project. I hope these few words you curious enough to decide to read the book.
Andrea Laprovitera - Nicholas Storai
"Quarters" - Tunué, 2010 -
Necklace "Prospero's Books"

Quarters is a story that comes from the chorus to tell common life, the one that most people live (or are forced to live) every day. Lives of ordinary people and ordinary (and extraordinary for this). The characters follow one another and passing the baton restano in scena solo il tempo necessario per raccontare il proprio scorcio di vita.

Vi ho incuriosito almeno un pochino?! Vi aspetto a Lucca allo stand Tunuè.

A presto.

Andrea (il farista)


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