Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mount And Blade Custom Ogg

Happy New Year ... to discover your snowdrops

to wish the new year, here in Coloring the life we \u200b\u200bhave as a guest of another creature Cicely Mary Barker: The Fairy Snowdrop, who admires the first open flower by a layer of icy snow.

wish to all of you to discover many fine innovations in the new year, as our fairy!

HAPPY 2011!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Printable Military Cards


Here is a young fairy Christmas Cicely Mary Barker for all readers of Coloring your life, come here to wish you ... MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Element Graffiti Backpack

Soul cake - Sting

In this time of year, I really like listening to " If On A Winter's Night ... , "Sting's album came out last year. The former Police frontman has recorded this CD in honor of her favorite season: winter.

One of my favorite songs is" Soul cake. "In an interview, Sting said that this is a kind of prayer that the poor peasants, on the occasion of Christmas, turned to the rich landowners to ask for food and some money. As the title says, a cake in exchange for blessings for their souls.

Here is the text (the original taken directly from del CD, al contrario di certe versioni che ho visto in giro su internet!) e di seguito la mia traduzione.


A soul cake, a soul cake,
please, good missus, a soul cake,
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry,
any good thing to make us all merry.
A soul cake, a soul cake,
please, good missus, a soul cake,
one for Peter, two for Paul,
and three for Him who made us all.
A soul cake,  a soul cake...

God bless the master of this house,
and the mistress also,
And all the little children
that round your table grow;
The cattle in your stable.
the dog by your front door,
and all that dwell within your gates
we'll wish you ten times more.
A soul cake, a soul cake...
Go down into the cellar
and see what you can find;
If the barrels are not empty
we'll hope you will be kind;
We'll hope you will be kind
with your apple and your pear,
And we'll come no more a-soulin
till Christmas time next year.
A soul, a soul cake...
The streets are very dirty,
my shoes are very thin.
I have a little pocket
to put a penny in;
If you havent got a penny,
a ha' penny will do;
If you havent got a ha' penny then
God bless you.
A soul, a soul cake...


A cake for the soul, a cake for the soul,
please good missus a cake for the soul.
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry,
all the good things that make us happy.
A cake for the soul, a cake for the soul,
please good missus a cake for the soul.
One for Peter, two for Paul,
three for Him who created us all.
A cake for the soul, una torta per l'anima...

Dio benedica il padrone di questa casa,
e anche la padrona,
e tutti i bimbi piccoli
che crescono attorno alla vostra tavolata;
il bestiame nella stalla
i cani davanti alla porta
e tutti quelli che abitano dentro i vostri cancelli
ve ne auguro dieci volte tanti.
Una torta per l'anima, una torta per l'anima...
Scendi in cantina
e guarda cosa puoi trovare
se i barili non sono vuoti,
speriamo che sarai generoso.
Speriamo che sarai generoso
con le your apples and your pears, and we will not be more

until Christmas of next year.
A cake for the soul, a cake for the soul ...
The streets are very dirty,
my shoes are very thin, I have a small pocket

to put in a penny;
if you do not have a penny, a penny will
if not have a penny
God bless you.
A cake for the soul, a cake for the soul ...

If you want to hear directly from Sting ... Click HERE

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Boat Trailer Load Guides

the radio ... (

In any case, if you like, you can log in any time to the site of the radio and go to the "Libridine" search inside the file transmission and listen. This is for anyone who can not tune in tonight on the radio frequency multimedia Orvieto. My special thanks goes to my friend James for his skill and availability and to be, but not least in times like these, a person is so concerned about the outside world. It 'been a pleasure doing this interview, then if someone will listen ... will be a shared pleasure:)

Andrew (farista)

Carry in what has been written by the publisher site Tunuè

Andrea Orvieto Laprovitera Radio Web
The author of Neighborhoods will host the program Libridine

Laprovitera Andrea will host a literary salon Web Radio Orvieto Tuesday, December 7 at 21. During the meeting with radio Libridine, cultural transmission designed and conducted by James Menchaca, the young writer fresh from Orvieto resounding critical and sales success of The Rail, published by Rizzoli Lizard, will present quarters, designed by Nicholas Storai: a delicate story of extraordinary everyday life, enriched by an essay by Alessandro Benvenuti.

"Quarters" is a story that comes from the chorus to tell the common life, the one that most people live (or are forced to live) every day. Lives of ordinary people and normal (and for that stunning). The actors succeed in passing the baton and continue the stage only long enough to tell his view of life, as in "Spoon River" of the living. I like to call "stories of everyday resistance."

Happy reading and happy listening.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Accelerated Emt Training In , Nj


Last year, reviewing As if by magic (released in 2007) I wrote that it was the film that marks the return of Disney magic " - to read the full review click HERE .
But it was a movie, in fact, with actors in the flesh, the part was very short cartoon version.

The cartoon that was to mark a new beginning then Disney came out last year, it is de The Princess and the Frog . Personally I was quite disappointed with the vision of a cardboard well done, yes, but without that special magic that once distinguished Disney.

And the new board, Rapunzel , what will?
Now I tell you, I went to see him yesterday ...

Well, I must say with satisfaction that this cartoon managed to make me dream , fun and also moved as a child when I went to see The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladin etc!

The designs are a feast for the eyes and the plot, as fairytale, it's really modern and fun! The scene of the little princess, never left from the tower, that suddenly happens in a tavernaccia frequented by shady characters - for example - made me sganasciare.
But even the characters themselves are delicious: Rapunzel is spontaneous and creative (to pass the time in the tower has learned to paint beautiful murals) and their male counterparts, Flynn Rider , villain is a vain and full of himself, fun!
What I loved most of all, though, is Max : a horse with a lot of character traits "canines."

Dinsey As each carton is no shortage of songs , although to be honest I was hoping that there was ... soon began to warble, in fact, my enthusiasm is a bit 'dropped. But, fortunately, even in this aspect of the makers have been able to modernize the opera Rapunzel. The songs sung are few and mostly well-contextualized in order not to be heavy. Indeed, the song of the above mentioned values \u200b\u200bof the tavern scene sequence and makes it even more comical.

Large cardboard, in short, that I was really satisfied and this lo consiglio a tutti.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Impetigo Quickly


Per far immergere Colorare la vita e tutti i suoi lettori nella magica atmosfera dell'inverno, ecco una serie di immagini catturate da veri maestri dell'arte fotografica!

Passer Montanus - Vincent Munier

Snowy owl - Vincent Munier

Musk ox - Vincent Munier

Snowangel with wolf track - Jim Brandenburg

Snow on wolf - Jim Brandenburg

The Makalu - Matthieu Ricard

All Photos are from