Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vampire And Werewolf Names

Merry Christmas

Here I am dear friends of The farista. I take this blog to do the best wishes for a Merry Christmas by using a table of "Sonny & Sambo" my comic (my and all other friends and colleagues who work in this adventure editorial) in search of a publisher. I wanted to publish a table specially dedicated to Christmas but was not ready, then "beccatevi" this page and let me know what you think. I hope that Christmas will bring you many gifts, large and serious than those in smaller ones, but for us mere cartoonists, very important as, for example, a new book deal. I, for 2009 have so many projects, most notably the aforementioned "Sonny & Sambo" for which I have written many pages of script, but also a new project with Nicholas Storai, an evergreen with David Pascutto (my partener historical graph) and then ... then we'll see. For the meantime, certainly there is the publication in February of my science fiction story (but not limited to science fiction because I like to always put something more in my stories and who knows me knows this) "Paradise Lost" on behalf of Salvatore Taormina's Cultural Association, better known as the "Chronicle of Mickey Mouse." In short, many things to do, very busy, lots of friends and ...


Andrew (farista)

Friday, November 21, 2008

G Rago Open Bottom Girdle

Lucca After you start to do comics!

Here I am, with a little post that serves to inform you about my new projects. I'm developing a story with my old partner David Pascutto entitled (provisional) "The lighthouse keeper," a story full of atmosphere with a particular player ... also, my friend, as well as excellent designer Nicholas Storai, I am working on another story from the title (this should be final) "District". Here is the story, but in this case it is better to speak of life, residents hawkers of a small district of the province. The graphic style of Nicholas goes perfectly, I think, with a storyline on "hold" a short story that would be poetic, sweet and light as it is, entangled, life. I am attaching a couple of tables, one based on "The Guardiano del faro" e l'altra da "Quartieri"; fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate.

Andrea (il farista)

P.S. domenica 16 novembre sono stato intervistato da una radio on-line ( ) all'interno di una rubrica chiamata "libridine" che si occupa, ovviamente, di narrazione. Ne è venuta fuori una bellissima chiacchierata tra amici grazie alla bravura dei due conduttori, Giacomo e Francesca che ringrazio pubblicamente. Se vi capita date un'"orecchiata" al file.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dsc Alarm Trouble Light

Chronicles of Lucca after

A Lucca fantastic! There are no other words to describe the past four days in the Tuscan city of rain, pizza and many, many friends. Never before had lived so intensely in the event and Lucca has paid me both from a professional perspective (allowing me to speak to the editor barks "Le Lombard"), both from the human. And so, in the long evenings after the stand, were the words and talk with friends to make a difference so thank you everyone, absolutely everyone, and I do these in any order and I do not want to if I forgot someone:

Who do I start? By David companion of many adventures, past and future partner (hopefully) projects; way to Alessandro with whom I traveled, divided the room and talked about everything; Gud, a great guy looking for "what is hidden beneath the chairs, "but always remembering that" everything is collecting dust " Moise a myth (the next time I want to talk more with you); David C. Juve force; Luca and Alessandra, I'll have my own subject and, when you can, send me pictures you took, Paco Roca, through the dedication and wonderful book, Paola , talented and in contact with Victor Garden; Luke and John, Sicily (Catania fact) the power they have done only 13 hours to travel there, the legendary Mauro, Mod and out of a rally from the movie "Men in Black", the lawyer Lucio great presence; Michele with whom I spoke too soon but I, in any event, a drawing taken from his fantastic Metauro (the next time compensation by a chat) and then the legendary Emanuele, Massimiliano and Concetta, but also Federica ( still happy birthday), Flaminia and all others who have passed, if only for a moment on the stand ...

thank, of course, all quelli che hanno acquistato il mio/nostro libro "Il Maestro", nonostante non fosse la novità del momento, io e Davide ci siamo ritrovati a fare tante dediche e disegni, segno che molte persone hanno comunque apprezzato il nostro lavoro.

Che altro dire...Lucca è passata da tre giorni e già mi manca!

Andrea (il farista)
P.S. la foto scattata da Moise mi ritrae in un gesto "leonino", è tutta colpa sua, io non sono così!:)