Friday, November 21, 2008

G Rago Open Bottom Girdle

Lucca After you start to do comics!

Here I am, with a little post that serves to inform you about my new projects. I'm developing a story with my old partner David Pascutto entitled (provisional) "The lighthouse keeper," a story full of atmosphere with a particular player ... also, my friend, as well as excellent designer Nicholas Storai, I am working on another story from the title (this should be final) "District". Here is the story, but in this case it is better to speak of life, residents hawkers of a small district of the province. The graphic style of Nicholas goes perfectly, I think, with a storyline on "hold" a short story that would be poetic, sweet and light as it is, entangled, life. I am attaching a couple of tables, one based on "The Guardiano del faro" e l'altra da "Quartieri"; fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate.

Andrea (il farista)

P.S. domenica 16 novembre sono stato intervistato da una radio on-line ( ) all'interno di una rubrica chiamata "libridine" che si occupa, ovviamente, di narrazione. Ne รจ venuta fuori una bellissima chiacchierata tra amici grazie alla bravura dei due conduttori, Giacomo e Francesca che ringrazio pubblicamente. Se vi capita date un'"orecchiata" al file.


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