Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Robinson, Equestrian Artist

Orvieto and Orvieto

Two beautiful Orvieto events this weekend, two events which I had the pleasure of being present as an author. First there was the "Food Village Award" of the area reserved for elementary schools, children have approached the magical world of comics explaining my short story and creating a short comic strip based on a screenplay by no means simple (l ' I designed and built for professionals). Needless to say that the works were all top-level (and not a manner of speaking) thanks to the inventiveness of children and the careful supervision of these teachers also perfect in the role of directors. The awards ceremony was held Thursday in the plaza of the Cathedral of Orvieto in front of a crowd of cheering children, the best possible setting for this event which is born of intuition Valerio Palmieri, a boy who offers time and money to make a little dream in I was a member too. Thank you all.

And now we move on to Orvieto Comics that has invaded the city on Saturday and Sunday involving citizenship, many fans and many onlookers. The first time it worked fine (an applause to Mark Reedy, Claudio Lattanzi and all those who helped out from the late teens to radiorvietoweb) with more than 4 million entries. All in all a great success. I I was present in two small conference on Sunday along with local writers and cartoonists in the morning while the afternoon I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with the great writer and always a friend of Alessandro di Virgilio. Chats between two friends, two amazing moments behind us and ran the images from my graphic novel "the master" who gave me much satisfaction and continues to give me.

The event also gave me the opportunity to speak, (re) meet and know many people, local and other (one for all the nice Lorenzo Bartoli), a short but wonderful weekend full of commitments, there It would take many more. Orvieto comics is over just two days and already I miss ...

Andrew (farista)


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