Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Incontro del 5.3.2011 - Nel segno di Osho

On 7 for me has always been a magic number in this seventh meeting and, in fact we did the full attendance record, with 12 people myself.
The group worked as never before and has set in motion a lot of great energy and beautiful, there were three new entries that are integrated and sustained almost two comebacks, the absence of about three months. And to say that there were new last time and even more committed elsewhere.
The program was uncertain almost until the morning of Saturday, at the end, since the majority of those present had never done meditation kundalini I gladly revived. But first we danced a few minutes to warm up and activate the energy. Then we focused on the first two chakras with breathing exercises and visualization power to load centers and then clean them.
This exercise chi kung, a brief but intense generates effects on all present, in different ways and with different feelings, but the overriding feeling was relief of the affected areas and a sense of relief as a burden removed.
After a brief sharing we moved decisively to Kundalini, and here something happened that had never happened in previous meetings, has been the large group, the young energies present, the vast majority of women, the fact is that the energy was so moved. All without exception, have entered into meditation with the great whole, from the initial shaking at times became frenetic and exciting, dance in which we have abandoned with happiness and joy, the emotion of many in the phase of listening and stasis in total regenerator and final immobility.
As conductor participant I felt very strong energy, I felt the immersion of all the various stages and I felt a feeling of indescribable joy. The moment more exciting was listening at that stage to the music he dug and transported in all directions strong emotions, many have cried, including myself, others had an expression relaxed, serene, beautiful.
At the end, when the third gong has signaled the end of meditation, these have remained long lying down, others sitting, everyone was as an expression of surprise and attonicità. As a rule, it takes leave after the kundalini and is what I was doing, but some have begun to describe their feelings without being asked that such was the need to share new feelings and emotions, in many cases never felt first, the share is, as it were, happened. Prevailed in all the surprise and astonishment at how they felt, all were in agreement by saying that something had been very strong in that space and that a thin, invisible bond had linked the present throughout the meditation. Some felt euphoric, others full of energy, others moved, others expanded, however, the outcome was surprisingly good for everybody.
E 'was one of the best shares to date in the group, and I can say without sounding rhetoric there with us was a very strong presence, and there we are told us of the core group "historic" dopo che gli altri erano andati via, Lui era stato con noi……

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Meditazioni attive



SABATO   26 MARZO 2011 ORE 16,30



These meetings are an opportunity for those who want to learn for the first time and meditation techniques to activate the energy, for all those who have experienced having other disciplines, wishing to know more. Will be offered tastings of the most famous Osho's active meditations and exercises for the Chinese energy work, you have the ability to share feelings and concerns but also curiosity and communicate the joy of meditation.



To participate is welcome booking


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Friday, March 11, 2011

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Ho mangiato la terra con lui. Sapeva d'amore

(Morante and Accorsi in a scene from the film A Journey Called Love)


At a time
have faded the rose petals fell

Because I could not forget the roses
The tried together
We found the roses were
her roses were my roses
This Little Thing Called Love
With our blood and tears we made with our own roses
a shining moment in the sun in the morning
We've withered under the sun through the brambles
The roses that were not our roses
My roses the roses
PS And so we forgot the roses.
(for Sibilla)

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La felicità ha le sue regole

The researchers say that half of our mood depends on the DNA. And the rest? By us and many small businesses that require a minute. "Indeed not." Word of the psychologist Richard Wiseman's book author 59 seconds. Think a little, change a lot. The applied science of rapid change ourselves. A manual for learning to be more satisfied. The Pursuit of Happyness, now no longer just an individual target, but is entering the agendas of European governments. And if the Istat has just begun to calculate the satisfaction of citizens with a real index, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron is trying to measure not only GDP but also on GWB (General Well Being) or the general rate well-being.
Example. A mirror in the kitchen has been scientifically proven that the presence of a mirror, when you are faced with several dishes, reduced by one third the consumption of foods that are good for health or to the line. The reflection of his image rende le persone più consapevoli del loro corpo e più propense a mangiare meno o solo cibi sani.
Ansia, stress, rancore invece si vincono pregando, leggende e consolidando una relazione (anche con una persona che ci ha ferite!)e persino guardando film comici.
I soldi? Non fanno la felicità, è ufficiale: ce lo assicurano studi di laboratorio effettuati su vincitori di lotterie milionarie e su poveri disgraziati che non hanno mai avuto niente gratis nella vita. A sorpresa sono risultati più contenti i secondi.
Il libro di Wiseman, insomma, batte dove il dente duole.
Da un lato ci tranquillizza a proposito delle nostre "patologie" e dall'altro puts us in line, destroying once and for all the articles of the Declaration of Independence, that puts the pursuit of happiness among the inalienable rights of man. Other
that right: Wiseman reveals that this is half genetic and the other half is earned by the sweat of the brow.
Another great truth is that we have to learn gratitude. People who complain of their unhappiness are less able to be grateful.
There are studies on the psychology of gratitude that show us how easily we get used to human well-being.
Everyone has something to be satisfied: a loving partner, an iron, beautiful children, a good job, loyal friends. However with the passage of time, forget it.
Studies show that daily list at least three things of which we are grateful in life, or describe three events went well during the week, increases happiness for a month.
It is not difficult and it takes a few seconds.

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E 'out the autobiography of Azima V. Roscoe,

"My life with Osho,

publisher Xenia (The seven gates of consciousness).

This is the testimony of the spiritual path of a sannyasi who has lived next to the Master until the end of his days on this earth.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Una vita come le altre

Alan Bennett is the greatest living English humorist, playwright dazzling comedy with a tremendous force that made him famous around the world with works like cold, hard or The Madness of King George .
In his latest literary effort would like to dedicate a memorial to the family without making people smile but the operation did not succeed.
The reader assumes a straight face when he discovers that the author's mother was really mad, not only depressed, as seems to believe his young son Alan at first.
Suddenly, however, the reader is laughing out loud in front of the description of the symptoms of malattia. Come scrive la Parrella in una sua recensione, "il punto è che Bennett sa raccontare con ironia anche la sofferenza, il manicomio, la tenerezza dei suoi genitori, quella che si scopre da adulti, quando ci si ritrova figli all'improvviso, così bene che, alla fine, ci si trova quasi costretti a credere che quella dello scrittore, e della sua famiglia, sia stata una vita come le altre."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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What could happen there in an enchanted forest - with a break in Ireland

Hello from your friend gnome, now I'll talk about particularly ancient forests where the Little People still flourishes and dominance: in these places, often, local goblins have fun lose orientation the unwary humans who have not taken the necessary precautions (eg. it is known that a good way to prevent this spell is put the clothes in reverse).

Something like that happened to the author of the blog, Irish village of HOWTO that while searching for a menhir has been lost in this forest:

Look: we understand the naked eye that is inhabited by little people, right? But she and Pauline were fooled by some Leprechaun that will disguise their point of reference. Fortunately, a local resident, Jerry, helped them ...
If you want to learn more on this site inhabited by the Irish fairies, look at this page of travelogue of Sails.


The gnome rosemary

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Pensiero d'Aprile

Yet it is beautiful, my soul, the life that was not pei days when the leaves are playing where for the first hints on the branches, and you see them, so tender and transparent, you s'apron l 'wings in rimirarl ...

"I have no name. - I am the rough / daughter 's humble hovel; / commons sad is my family

" Writing for Ada has nothing to do with art, and not is it a possible way for its emancipation, is a simple act of justice (Elizabeth Rasy, Three passions, Bur)

Hand into gear, the first poem Ada, made the evening when he realized that his mother, at home to be injured at the factory, would not have compensated for anything.

Ada, where her grandmother grew up in the lobby Peppina acts as guardian to the house of lords Barni-Grisi being Cremonese Door in Lodi, a doorway, a room for the kitchen and behind the camera with the bed where they sleep all three, she, her mother and grandmother.

Hannibal, the brother of Ada, small moves in with his uncle Annibale. The mother is forced to sell it to his brother, married without children, because the caretaker bosses do not want it.

The house where the lights are dim because the there are no glass windows but breaded paper and the most elegant mobile is the case of books that serves as a couch.

"Yes, the book must be the man, because the artwork is complete, it must throb and bleed it burps in the poet's soul. I do not put the dynamite in the hands of the worker, but will open up in front of the huge street of the future, he certainly will tread, firm, calm, seasoned, respected and peaceful. "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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La vetrina della settimana... un omaggio a tutte le donne

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Sergio Rubini St. Elsewhere - Voices of the Twentieth Century - by Neruda in Sanguineti

Saturday night we went to the theater Manzoni in Milan to see Sergio Rubini, an actor who really like us! The show is called

St. Elsewhere : Rubini speaks of his passion for acting and poetry , a passion inherited from his father railroad.
We learn that the show was initially only rotate around the twentieth century, according to a precise location in time, but then the actor had realized that this was becoming too restrictive.

So history becomes broader. Here we come back to the times of Shakespeare Rubini and provides us with a surprising intensity of judging the most romantic scenes in the history of literature: the murder of Desdemona by Othello , blinded by jealousy. It 'been a really exciting time.

The trail of poetry, and another great "dark", then tells the incredible life and death of the Russian poet Pushkin , which had as Othello African blood (his mother's side).
Pushkin was one of the greatest exponents of Romanticism, Rubin has played this wonderful poem:

remember the magical moment

remember the magic moment: I had appeared in front
How fleeting vision, genius
of limpid beauty.

In my desperate torments
In the din of the Vanities,
Tender heard your voice, I was dreaming the dear

Years passed.
The storm then swept ancient dreams, the tender
forgot your voice, Your sublime

And the days go by in silence in the empty gray
no more faith and inspiration,
No tears, no 'life and love. Back

is awakening to the soul:
And yet you appeared to me you,
How fleeting vision, genius
of limpid beauty. And intoxication

the Heart
And all in me already resurrected -
And faith and inspiration
And life and tears and love.

Pushkin died in the same year of our Leopardi, who led a life much less adventurous, but he has given us works of inestimable value. Rubini read us his moral operetta : Dialogue a reader of almanacs and a temporary .

Then we are greeted by a funny poem De Filippo, played with impeccable accent Neapolitan Vincenzo De Magistrate.

And then Neruda, Pavese, Prévert, and Sanguineti, poet loved by Rubini. His poems, rich in alliteration and puns , if made to test the players. Yet, you had to hear talent and skill with which Rubini read us this poem:

From The Last Walk - Tribute to Pascoli

you explore, my flesh, my gold, my body, you spy on my naked raw paper,
you sign, you dream, with my serious, severe semi blacks, with my theories,
my emblems that beat you and I'll knock and I say to you, dense and hard, in your bushes,
with my dark, pure milk, cows with my lens, ground, you turn it on,
if I catch you with my Pampani rust, my soot which you aspire, you breath
with your fogs and grains, you stamp with all my ears with my fingers
who love you, you plow with my pencil colors that you, punch you, you love them,
my life, my love bitter miser:
I'm here so, the leg of my bird, what
you enjoy and you shall have the right papilla you taste, the apple that will vibrate
and you shine, you tinkles and titillates, are a steep, a steep, a lonely branch, which I
ti pungo, mio fungo, io che ti bramo: sono pallida pelle che si spella, mia bella, io,  
passero e pettirosso del tuo fosso: io la piuma, io l’osso, che ti scrivo: io, che ti vivo

Quello che mi ha sorpresa è proprio la bravura con cui Rubini ha interpretato le poesie , cosa molto difficile da rendere. La recitazione non è mai stata carica ed esagerata, ma anzi proprio la semplicità e la perfetta dizione (sia in italiano che nei vari dialetti) hanno dato vita alle poesie in modo impeccabile e coinvolgente. 
La sua passione e l' ironia , poi, hanno reso lo spettacolo così godibile che non mi sembrava vero che fosse già passata un'ora e mezza, arrivati alla fine! Inoltre mi ha fatto scoprire e riscoprire poesie e brani straordinari. 
10 e lode a questo attore e questo spettacolo!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Incipit for the writing workshop: Italo Calvino

Italo Calvino!!
Vi ricordate del creative writing workshop on childhood , which I attended myself with other bloggers, including readers of Coloring your life?

Eyes of Night, who gave life to the lab, decided to join hands and continue the conversation.
What is the most exciting way to improve our writing? Analyze the songs of the great literature, to learn from and learn many secrets about style and content of a text!

E 'was kind enough to involve me.
so I wrote an article about this opening words of Calvin :

is not true that I do not remember anything, the memories are still there, hidden in the gray ball of the brain, in the damp bed of sand that settles to the bottom of the stream of thoughts: if it is true that every grain of sand this time of life keeps a mental set in so that it can not be more clear, but buried by billions and billions of other grains.

There have been intrigued by these words?
Well, then I would love to receive your opinion on .
To do this, you can read and comment on the blog of Eyes of Night, HERE!

Through Eyes of Night for inspiring me to write un articolo sull'autore che amo di più!

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Email messages that fills your mailbox! Warning ...

there are emails sent from fake email addresses that contain messages that a person could be brought to respond (out of curiosity or compassion).

Just make a lot of attention because after answering automatically the malicious computer that you sent this message to continually bomb you to death (or until you activate an excellent filter = spam).

One of these is sent by a certain "Pamela Arona" that sends the message with the address "" (it's a scam! bogus email!) with the following texts:

'm pamela I found your contact while surfing the Internet at
and I picked interest in getting in contact with you so as to know you better. I wish to be in relationship with you and discover May Be Ourselves as real friends / partners. If you're interested then write me back here okay. I will be happy seeing a good response from you so that i can send you my picture and tell you more about me.
Thanks and remain blessed.

Io sono pamela ho trovato il vostro contatto durante la navigazione in Internet a
e ho preso interesse a entrare in contatto con voi, per conoscervi meglio. Vorrei essere in rapporto con voi e può essere scoprire noi stessi come veri amici / partner. Se sei interessato poi mi scrivi di nuovo qui ok. Sarò felice di vedere un buona risposta da voi in modo che io possa inviare la mia immagine e ti dirà di più su di me.
Grazie e restano benedetta.
Email truffa! Vi riempe tutto di spam!
" My Dearest
Thanks for your reply to my mail,
How is your day? I guess nice.
Mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal.
My name is Pamela Barry I'm 23years, from Ivory Coast in
West Africa. I am 5' 7" tall, Fair in complexion,
Single (never married before) I am presently residing
in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a
result of the civil war that was fought in my country.
My late father Dr.ARONA BARRY was the managing
director of  Arona's ventures (Ltd) and he was
the personal adviser to the former head of state
before the rebels attacked our house one early morning
and killed my mother and my father in cold blood.
It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make
my way to a nearby country Senegal where i am  living
now in a refugee camp,and this computer which am useing
writing to you belonging
to a Reverend that has a church here in the camp.
My hobbies are reading, cooking, cinema, movies,
dancing and fond of little kids.
I would like to know more about you.Your likes and
dislikes, hobbies and what you are doing presently.
I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.
Attached here is my photo hope you will like it,
Have a lovely day.
Hoping to hear from you soonest,
Yours One,

My Dearest
Thanks for your reply to my mail,
How is your day? I believe that good.
Mine is a bit 'hot here in Dakar Senegal.
My name is Pamela Barry I'm 23 years old, from Ivory Coast in West Africa
. I am 5 '7 "tall, fair complexion,
Single (never married before) I am currently living
in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal
result of the civil war that was fought in my country.
Dr.ARONA My father Barry was the managing director of
firms Arona (Ltd) and was
the personal adviser to the head of state
before the rebels attacked our house one morning
and killed my mother and my father in cold blood.
E 'was only me that is alive now and I managed to do
my way to a nearby country Senegal where I am living
now in a refugee camp, and this computer I'm using
writing Membership
a reverend that has a church here in the camp.
My hobbies are reading, cooking, cinema, film, dance and
passionate about kids. I'd like
learn more about you.Your and
dislikes, hobbies and what you are doing currently.
I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.
Attached here is my photo hope you like it,
Have a nice day.
Hoping to hear from you soonest, Yours


I recommend you do not answer everything but trash now!

Good evening,
Luca Zecca

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Tornare bambini

child because I want to get skinned knees are the least bad of a broken heart
Jim Morrison

I want to go baby, I smell the Coccoina, I want to spread the Vinavil and then take it off like a cuticle. I want to use the markers and then have all his fingers full of little colored strips. I want to steal a snack for adults. I believe that my little soldier moves and dodge the bullet at the last minute. I believe that the astronaut is a job that can only be done at night because during the day there are no stars to land. I believe that my friend is a friend of mine forever, and never betray you. But above all I want to believe that Santa brings you coal if you've been bad.

Fabio Volo

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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It 'nice to see how to end an idea pursued with patience, perseverance and commitment gives great satisfaction ...

Good evening,
no, I'm not gonna shut up shop.

Indeed! See visits grow day by day is an incentive to continue and try to do better ... better and better.

Today, however, instead of dedicating a post to the usual, e aimé tanti, problemi... voglio dedicarlo a un "riassunto". A una specie di spaccato di tutto ciò che è stato... di quel che ho scritto a partire da quel fatidico 2 gennaio 2008... tre anni, due mesi e un giorno esatto. 

Sembrano secondi nella mente... 

Tutto iniziò con il post dal titolo "CIAO A TUTTI!" che trovate qui: .

E poi? E poi tanto... filosofia, politica, teologia, ambiente, cultura, affetti, immagini e passioni... sì passione, tanta passione!

Ma partiamo con la carrellata... eeeeee.... buonissima serata e lettura a tutti!

Luca Zecca



Commitment against the slaughter of animals that the only reason that people use to have some petty!:

Oil spill , volcanoes erupt and species become extinct ... What awaits us in this century?:

corn used as fuel in stoves Pellet Corn Chips and more ... are angry! Corn is food, not fuel! Using it is madness!:

rights, good governance and individual liberty:

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting what to eat for dinner. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting the vote!:

ABOLISHED THE FEE RAI! But meanwhile, here's how to cancel it ...:


Post tecnici di risoluzione problemi e recensioni riguardo ad hardware, software e internet:


Meglio stampante laser o a getto di inkiostro? Inkjet o laserjet?:

Revouninstaller, un piccolo mostro per la gestione del proprio computer windows:

Spawns hidden games and other programs ... you can with external eggs!:

How to apply the protective film to the mobile phone or handheld touchscreen:

telematics via email scams and phishing attempts:

Email scam alert you when we have received an inheritance ...: / 2010/08/email-truffa-in-cui-ci-avvisano-di-aver_30.html

Councils (only my personal opinions and experiences, worthless scientifically or medically), and the operation of the deltacortene settoturbinoplastica (deviated nasal septum and turbinate hypertrophy):

My experience after a septoplasty and turbinate (settoturbinoplastica):

Deltacortene Council for insomnia and 25 mg tablets:

Of everything and more:

Maturity 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013: traces of Italian theme, the second test track and various tricks: http://freerenegade.blogspot .com/2009/06/maturita-2009-tracce-tema-di-italiano.html

ps. message is also posted on Blogger Syndicate ( ) with the title "The initial idea does not end here ..." and at this address:

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La vetrina della settimana

We look forward to. Today the new arrivals for Spring!