Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Bake Nike Bauer Vapor

Incontro del 5.3.2011 - Nel segno di Osho

On 7 for me has always been a magic number in this seventh meeting and, in fact we did the full attendance record, with 12 people myself.
The group worked as never before and has set in motion a lot of great energy and beautiful, there were three new entries that are integrated and sustained almost two comebacks, the absence of about three months. And to say that there were new last time and even more committed elsewhere.
The program was uncertain almost until the morning of Saturday, at the end, since the majority of those present had never done meditation kundalini I gladly revived. But first we danced a few minutes to warm up and activate the energy. Then we focused on the first two chakras with breathing exercises and visualization power to load centers and then clean them.
This exercise chi kung, a brief but intense generates effects on all present, in different ways and with different feelings, but the overriding feeling was relief of the affected areas and a sense of relief as a burden removed.
After a brief sharing we moved decisively to Kundalini, and here something happened that had never happened in previous meetings, has been the large group, the young energies present, the vast majority of women, the fact is that the energy was so moved. All without exception, have entered into meditation with the great whole, from the initial shaking at times became frenetic and exciting, dance in which we have abandoned with happiness and joy, the emotion of many in the phase of listening and stasis in total regenerator and final immobility.
As conductor participant I felt very strong energy, I felt the immersion of all the various stages and I felt a feeling of indescribable joy. The moment more exciting was listening at that stage to the music he dug and transported in all directions strong emotions, many have cried, including myself, others had an expression relaxed, serene, beautiful.
At the end, when the third gong has signaled the end of meditation, these have remained long lying down, others sitting, everyone was as an expression of surprise and attonicità. As a rule, it takes leave after the kundalini and is what I was doing, but some have begun to describe their feelings without being asked that such was the need to share new feelings and emotions, in many cases never felt first, the share is, as it were, happened. Prevailed in all the surprise and astonishment at how they felt, all were in agreement by saying that something had been very strong in that space and that a thin, invisible bond had linked the present throughout the meditation. Some felt euphoric, others full of energy, others moved, others expanded, however, the outcome was surprisingly good for everybody.
E 'was one of the best shares to date in the group, and I can say without sounding rhetoric there with us was a very strong presence, and there we are told us of the core group "historic" dopo che gli altri erano andati via, Lui era stato con noi……


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