La felicità ha le sue regole
The researchers say that half of our mood depends on the DNA. And the rest? By us and many small businesses that require a minute. "Indeed not." Word of the psychologist Richard Wiseman's book author 59 seconds. Think a little, change a lot. The applied science of rapid change ourselves. A manual for learning to be more satisfied. The Pursuit of Happyness, now no longer just an individual target, but is entering the agendas of European governments. And if the Istat has just begun to calculate the satisfaction of citizens with a real index, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron is trying to measure not only GDP but also on GWB (General Well Being) or the general rate well-being.
Example. A mirror in the kitchen has been scientifically proven that the presence of a mirror, when you are faced with several dishes, reduced by one third the consumption of foods that are good for health or to the line. The reflection of his image rende le persone più consapevoli del loro corpo e più propense a mangiare meno o solo cibi sani.
Ansia, stress, rancore invece si vincono pregando, leggende e consolidando una relazione (anche con una persona che ci ha ferite!)e persino guardando film comici.
I soldi? Non fanno la felicità, è ufficiale: ce lo assicurano studi di laboratorio effettuati su vincitori di lotterie milionarie e su poveri disgraziati che non hanno mai avuto niente gratis nella vita. A sorpresa sono risultati più contenti i secondi.
Il libro di Wiseman, insomma, batte dove il dente duole.
Da un lato ci tranquillizza a proposito delle nostre "patologie" e dall'altro puts us in line, destroying once and for all the articles of the Declaration of Independence, that puts the pursuit of happiness among the inalienable rights of man. Other
that right: Wiseman reveals that this is half genetic and the other half is earned by the sweat of the brow.
Another great truth is that we have to learn gratitude. People who complain of their unhappiness are less able to be grateful.
There are studies on the psychology of gratitude that show us how easily we get used to human well-being.
Everyone has something to be satisfied: a loving partner, an iron, beautiful children, a good job, loyal friends. However with the passage of time, forget it.
Studies show that daily list at least three things of which we are grateful in life, or describe three events went well during the week, increases happiness for a month.
It is not difficult and it takes a few seconds.
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