Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why Use Spiral Mixers

E 'arrived' Sonny & Sambo "! MONO 7

Well yes ... finally arrived! "Sonny & Sambo", my new comic book for children has finally been published by Editions Clair de Lune. I just got the book from the publisher and I confess to have peeled with a certain emotion. He was my little dream to be able to edit a table in France and never, never I thought to publish even a whole roll! What about ... thanks to the guys who have worked comics (Milli Vanni, Pamela Poggiali, Chiara Fabbri Cristina Colabich and Toniolo) believing in me and in history when it was still just an idea ...

now expect an Italian publisher interested to see it even in our comics and libraries. It could be the beginning of a new series ... There are many stories that "Sonny & Sambo" want to tell you.

Andrew (farista)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rubber Bracelets Kristen Stewart

Lucca will come in the number 7 of "Mono," the magazine monograph (s monotavola) edited by Tunuè. The theme of this issue is the "crisis". I had the pleasure to participate with a table designed by Nicholas Storai I hope you will appreciate. We look forward to the stand Tunuè. At Lucca!

Andrew (farista)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mature Ladies In Knickers

Boscarato Award 2009 and the photos of Narnia Comics

• Gianfranco Manfredi on Hidden Face - Bonelli
• Alex Crippa on Jonah Martini - Renoir Comics
• Marco Rizzo on Peppino Impastato - Yellow Beak
• Andrea on Laprovitera Master - Tunuè
• Luigi Bernardi on Habemus Fantomas - Edizioni BD
I just discovered, thanks to reports of a writer friend (hello Lucio, you are great) to be among the five finalists in the screenplay by Charles Boscarato Award 2009 which will be assigned to Treviso Comics. They are incredulous and happy. But I never imagined so much say that "The Master", my (mine and the very talented David Pascutto) Tunuè cartoon published by a distance from one year to the exit, continue to give me much satisfaction. I am in the company of four giants of the script as Gianfranco Manfredi, Alex Crippa, Marco Rizzo, Luigi Bernardi and only be compared to these characters is for me a great prize. I thank all those who believed in me and in "The Master" when he was still a small idea ... I am moved because today is my birthday, there could be a better gift.

I will now speak of Narnia Comics, which was held on 5 and 6 September at the Rocca di Narni. Benisssimo I was in the company of many friends who I met again with great pleasure and, on the occasion, again on behalf of Tunuè, I served as editor (that big word for me) show the material of so many aspiring cartoonists who came to visit us . The thing that struck me the most is the sheer professionalism demonstrated by everyone, everyone had a fantastic book and I hope I have been, at least in part, helpful. Thanks guys for letting me see your works in the mouth and the wolf:)

Andrew (farista)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Do Analogue Watches Know Number Of Days In Months

of the third kind by Antani Comics

Although it was a summer day, very hot and humid, the meeting at the comic shop "Antani Comics" in Terni went well. Me and Michele Petrucci, we have been for a few hours in the company of Francis in September, the owner and close friend of the comics (including the organizer of events and comics of the highest level), the writer Francesco Taddei and all those people who are come visit us and share an afternoon cartoon. We talked about everything, the next project, the authors that we like, NEXT holidays and much more. These two pictures are, to paraphrase the great Ivano Fossati: "For those who saw and who was not there, for those there that day chasing another chimera ... "
Andrew (farista)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blogger And Beautiful Agony

Meeting from July 4 Antani Comics Comics

And although the summer, despite the elections and everything else, we continue to talk (and do) comics. I expect you all Saturday, July 4 to comics Comics Antani of Terni, I'll be there, my friend and colleague Michele Petrucci (author of the beautiful "Metauro") and Finally, to coordinate all the legendary Francis September, a guarantee for those who know the world of comics in Umbria. Francis oversaw the organization of Narnia and the recent Comics Comics Terni, in short, a true example of passion and professionalism. What else can I say, do not yet know the lineup of the event, I do not know how to evolve the meeting but, at fairs and presentations to which I was lucky enough to attend up to now, the thread carrier was pleased to togetherness and the desire to discuss comics. If you happen to go to Terni, pop in the comics ... will be a beautiful afternoon spent with friends.
Andrew (farista)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Robinson, Equestrian Artist

Orvieto and Orvieto

Two beautiful Orvieto events this weekend, two events which I had the pleasure of being present as an author. First there was the "Food Village Award" of the area reserved for elementary schools, children have approached the magical world of comics explaining my short story and creating a short comic strip based on a screenplay by no means simple (l ' I designed and built for professionals). Needless to say that the works were all top-level (and not a manner of speaking) thanks to the inventiveness of children and the careful supervision of these teachers also perfect in the role of directors. The awards ceremony was held Thursday in the plaza of the Cathedral of Orvieto in front of a crowd of cheering children, the best possible setting for this event which is born of intuition Valerio Palmieri, a boy who offers time and money to make a little dream in I was a member too. Thank you all.

And now we move on to Orvieto Comics that has invaded the city on Saturday and Sunday involving citizenship, many fans and many onlookers. The first time it worked fine (an applause to Mark Reedy, Claudio Lattanzi and all those who helped out from the late teens to radiorvietoweb) with more than 4 million entries. All in all a great success. I I was present in two small conference on Sunday along with local writers and cartoonists in the morning while the afternoon I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with the great writer and always a friend of Alessandro di Virgilio. Chats between two friends, two amazing moments behind us and ran the images from my graphic novel "the master" who gave me much satisfaction and continues to give me.

The event also gave me the opportunity to speak, (re) meet and know many people, local and other (one for all the nice Lorenzo Bartoli), a short but wonderful weekend full of commitments, there It would take many more. Orvieto comics is over just two days and already I miss ...

Andrew (farista)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Remington Rifle 30.30

Village Food Prize Comics

It 's done. Orvieto is also open to the world of comics and, finally, we have the first event dedicated to comics. An appointment for 9 and May 10 in our small town. I was asked to participate (the terms have yet to be established but for me it will be a pleasure and an honor) and give a hand. There will be several friends and local artists and more, there are rumors on the presence of a great host still top-secret. For updates please refer to the website dedicated to the event to the following Address: . The radio online Orvieto also dedicated to the world of comics is also a broadcast, "Radio Krypton," which attempts to dissect and analyze what lies behind the comic, season with jokes and special effects. You can follow radio broadcasts logging in at: . I think that's all for now, partly because there will be plenty to do in the coming days, however I will keep you updated. For the moment I greet you, and please, if you feel like you look, in fact we are waiting to Orvieto. We support the comic strip, also in the province!
Andrew (farista)
PS check out the program: cool is that?!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pokemon Cakes Toronto

Among the larger Cartoon

I can not but be surprised and at the same time, happy. E ', of course, a great little gift that they wanted me and I am extremely happy. Mondadori showcase an entire library of my town is dedicated to comics with no apparent motivo specifico (non ci sono fiere dei comics a Orvieto), segno di una nuova sensibilità e attenzione a questo media? Speriamo. La cosa però che mi ha maggiormente colpito, inutile negarlo, è che accanto ai grandi del fumetto di ieri e di oggi (Gipi, Eisner, Pazienza, Miller, Satrapi ecc ...) ci sono anch'io con "Il Maestro". E' ovvio che il paragone con i grandi non esiste, ma essere insieme a questi nomi, anche solo per un momento e all'interno di una vetrina mi ha fatto un grandissimo piacere.
Grazie a tutti.

Andrea (il farista)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sample Of Church Guest Letter

Well yes ... School cartoon caught me!

"Ebbene si, maledetto carter, hai vinto anche stavolta!" So said the opponent ever to Nick Carter on Supergulp. And, borrowing a part of the sentence, I say, "Yes, blessed school comics, you got me this time too." And 'in fact the second time that I appear monthly on the Rabbit publisher. The first was a quote from group linked to the site while cartaigienicaweb this time about my last editorial proposal "Sonny & Sambo." Also a great satisfaction because I had not sent any message to the magazine and so it was a real surprise for me to read the article in the good and attentive Andrew Light. What can I say, thanks to Andrea, a while back that cost Luca Boschi nice words about the project, a school and all the comics amici e potenziali lettori che sono passati sul blog: . Per finire devo aggiungere all'articolo del bravissimo Andrea una piccola nota, le nuove coloriste del progetto (che hanno sostituito l'altrettanto bravo Ivan Annibali in corso d'opera) sono Chiara Fabbri Colabich e Cristina Toniolo, due bravissime artiste che hanno già lavorato con lo studio Tenderini al fumetto Wondercity. Una citazione dovuta e meritata per queste due brave artiste e amiche.

Ora aspettiamo un editore ... avanti gente, avanti ...

Andrea (il farista)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Charter Projector

Paradise Lost in Milan Novegro

out, united in a single register, the little saga of "Lost Paradise" written by me and written and produced by three talented graphic designers, Alan D'Amico (first episode), Alan Slaviero (second and fourth episode) and Vincenzo Riccardi (third episode). The story begins on planet Earth and its twin Newfoundland. The human race is in fact a result of an unprecedented schism, it was divided and a small community room on a different planet where you start life anew, is born so Newfoundland where the air is much thinner than Earth's door some small change in the human genome (the inhabitants of Newfoundland are higher because of land have developed a larger chest to forfeit more oxygen in each breath ... we want to do, are ruminations by writer !). The two peoples, now living apart and separated, but a threat from outer space and perhaps in time, threatening the two worlds. Will our protagonists to have to be charged to save the known universe and provide hope (maybe even meeting) to the human race ...

That's Paradise Lost was a troubled history, both from the narrative point of view as from that editorial. The first two episodes in fact, came out in the magazine "Comics Chronicle " then, for any delays, you chose to complete the project by bringing together the work (the ones already made and those still working) in a single register that would provide, at least, the necessary continuity to the story. There is thus, in the same register, styles and different interpretations by the artists mentioned above, but each of them, and this I believe, has brought a little 'art of their baggage to the series. Read it without bias and we are, hopefully, also a metaphor for society, only by overcoming our differences and distrust we can hope to become better people ... This is the basic message is behind this science fiction story.

What else ... good read and if you can come and visit the booth of "Chronicle of Topolinia " for a chat.

Andrew ( farista )

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Will My Heart Enlarge After Creatine

time budgets

A year has passed and the My graphic novel "The Master "has received several support among family and friends (but they are discounted), with colleagues, experts and readers (and even these are far less) and even by those who did not expect. The small, but great article on the book by Conchita De Gregorio "La Repubblica" followed other reviews and their goodness, all positive. Recently and thanks to reports of a friend, I managed to learn that a review had appeared in the August issue of " Charter "which is a very important magazine of its social milestone (if you happen to read it) and, thanks to the kindness of the Office arrears, I'm finally came into possession. What says the review is good for me, but I would say to David in comics in general.

The second (but first you see in the post) review that accompanies this post is however, very recent. It 'just appeared on a magazine called "Press" and is published by the CGIL's Umbria region. The friends of the magazine have decided to dedicate a space to "Master" and I can only thank them.

Happy New Year to all.

Andrew (farista)