Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Write in google "Fuck the pussy" and press "I'm feeling lucky" to see what happens and die laughing ....

advice to all those who want to make a laugh of writing google

"fuck the pussy"
The page will come for sure will give you a smile.

Good evening,
Luca Zecca

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

John Berecz License Suspended

Niamh and the circle of fairies - Irish legend

Hello, I am the gnome who lives in Ivy and rosemary sails today to tell you a Irish legend.
It 's a story that explains very well what can happen if you enter a circle of fairies, the subject of which I spoke last time .

Niamh and the circle of fairies

Niamh was a sweet little girl who lived in the Irish countryside with her parents and her younger brother, Liam. For some 'time of a strange thing happened: the night was awakened by rousing music of a flute, accompanied by many other tools that created a beautiful melody, never heard before.

One night, he decided to follow the sound.
the brother Liam heard her as she stood up and tried to stop her, recalling the recommendations of parents about the dangers that lurk in the woods, but Niamh was determined to find out where it came from the melody. Then the little brother decided to follow her.

into the woods, until you reach a clearing, lit by hundreds of candles. With amazement they saw fairies and elves dance in a circle, following the rhythm of a silver flute played by a beautiful nymph.
In the background, you could hear the sound of violins, four-string banjo, guitar ed arpe.
Niamh non poté trattenersi: si sciolse dalla stretta del fratello e a passo di danza si unì al cerchio delle fate. Liam la chiamò e chiamò, cercando di convincerla a uscire dal cerchio. Ma ad un certo punto una luce abbagliante avvolse gli esseri fatati e Niamh, finché scomparvero tutti in un  pulviscolo di stelle .
Le ricerche della bambina durarono per molto tempo, ma non ottennero risultati. Finché, vent'anni dopo, Liam  tornò nostalgically to the place, which was still visible in the circle of trampled grass. Just then he heard himself called:
" Liam, Liam! You? Will I dance for twenty minutes, now it's time to go home to mom and dad."
Liam looked at that little girl in her nightgown, with tears in his eyes: "Niamh, this is you! You have not danced for twenty minutes ... but twenty years!"

This legend can also read the book Leprechaun Tales, retold by Yvonne Carroll Ed Gill & Macmillan 2002

Monday, January 24, 2011

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We expect that those who have privileges decides to take them off? For politicians to take away the wages and the rich are taxed for the common good ... From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark

Good evening,
scriptures say :
to the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said:" He is possessed by Beelzebub, and casts out demons by the prince of demons. "
But he called them, He said to them in parables: "How can Satan cast out Satan?
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom can not stand
if a house is divided against itself, that house can not stand.
the same way, if Satan rebels against himself and is divided can not stand, but is about to end. No one can enter the house of a strong man and plunder his goods unless he has first binds the strong man, then he plunder his house. In truth I tell you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness for ever is guilty of an eternal guilt. " Since said: 'It possessed by an unclean spirit. "(Thanks to
Daily Gospel
the same way that Satan does not cast out Satan we expect that those who have privileges to remove them if selfish? Let the politicians to enact laws against them and those like them?
No, never ... or begin to understand that we must trust politicians who are among the people, by people who come and work for people, or if we continue to vote for parties che scelgono trai loro ranghi affaristi il futuro sarà sempre tenebroso...

a voi poi scegliere chi votare!

Io la mia scelta l'ho fatta da un po' e non me ne pento, ritengo che il mio partito non difenda miei interessi egoistici ma miei interessi "giusti". Se per giusto intendiamo qualcosa che naturalmente in un mondo altrettanto "giusto" bisognerebbe avere senza combattere per appropiarsene.

Vivere la nostra quotidianità aspettando that something will change by itself is useless ... the hope is very strong if it is accompanied by concrete actions, Jesus teaches us this.

Jesus spent in the remote desert 40 days but then I will go among the people who loved to help and preach.

what do we do? We want to spend forty days in meditation or a lifetime because it is the easiest way, more to go?

The choice is yours, but before God, history will judge us already. And the court of history, history (let the pun), it is very severe with the nations that have suffered passively events.

Good evening,
Luca Zecca

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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3.22 to 30 die in uniform does not necessarily mean to be heroes? But then death does not mean the bishops to go to heaven for strength ...

Good evening,
follows on
of this post (click here): "The days of TV? One sucks ... if you want to see programs and movies culturally interesting, devi aspettare le 20.00...".

Sintetizzandon e il discorso, il Vescovo di Padova,
Antonio Mattiazzo, dice che se si muore con la divisa, automaticamente non si è eroi.
Io dico, giustissimo, ma allora possiamo anche dire che morire da vescovi non significa andare in paradiso.
E' infatti così sicuro che "il principale" usi lo stesso metro di giudizio usato in terra?

Credo alla fine che tutto questo discorso è davvero futile e un vescovo stesso non dovrebbe aprirlo... perché eroe è colui che consapevolmente sceglie di affrontare la paura, anche a costo della vita, per un bene più alto.
Tutti avremmo paura di sentire le pallottole che ci sibilano a fianco dell'orecchio, ma eroe è colui che comunque si lancia in corsa per salvare il compagno in difficoltà. 

Se dovessimo star qui a pensare "Ma avrà corso per davvero o solo immaginando la medaglia?", oppure "Sarà went to save it safe knowing the promotion? "or crap like that you become stupid. The more that I have always taught that I can not pretend to take the speck out of my brother, I do not see the beam that is in mine.

So to say that, in principle, yes, a climber who died a hero.
E 'hero because someone has to defend the homeland. The NAIA took off, so the contribution of the population since the army is really only the taxes paid. A real people who have been actively involved in the defense of the nation, but we have entirely delegated to others that charge.
And it is indisputable that many of them the just to make money, just for a promotion and so on. etc..
But a boy who died so young, leaving a wife with whom even went on a honeymoon because they died in Afghanistan, not a hero?

If there were no mountain, if there were any more, she defended him this status?
When Islamic extremists begin to get serious and really threatened the status will be those who defend the Alpine or her? If you are quiet, no one can rob and profess our religion, it is because police officers, police and soldiers give their lives.

His judgments, are unpopular. Think about how they can tell us of pedophile priests to be among us in the form of meat blood and our Lord Jesus
Here, we give an explanation, "Church" of this, and then will spit on our heroes.

But until then, let it be the conscience of every individual and the community to judge who is a hero or not.
Because if you had told me that heroes are not actors and others who have not done much in the end if not for themselves, you would have 100,000 reasons. Because an actor is nothing more than one worker.

Hero is the father who keeps the family who sacrifices himself for the community every day, the mother washing toilets to keep the child out of a recognized marriage.
But coming to say a priori that a military hero because he can not be 'HAS A FIREARM Strap on, well, you tell the Christian Copts.

Surely they, unlike my many arguments to give up the weapon in some cases necessary.
Meanwhile, good evening to all, and remember to always be viligi on this poor state, which already now is no longer a nation,
Luca Zecca

ps look at the image of this message and tell me if the two children laughing, feeling protected by one of our soldiers believe that the value of the uniform is diminished by the fact that this weapon Strap fire, ready to defend them from an attack of any aggressor.

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The TV in the daytime? Sucks ... if you want to see programs and movies culturally interesting, you have to wait for the 20:00 ...

Good evening,
've never been a prosecutor a sword comes to TV, but now admit that it has become a 'indecency.

Almost no mention of the Alpine Luca Sanna died in Afghanistan. The bishop is able to say that it is not necessarily a hero who dies with a soldier's uniform. Absolutely right, a hero is someone who does something dealing with fear, risking their lives for a greater good.

the news? No, too busy on the subject mentioned above, and talking about various gossip and bullshit.
Maybe give serious consideration to the ideas people is a greater satisfaction than to sell some more copies with "bums and boobs."

finally reflect on our role International Military ... that now the defense of the country is totally delegated. To view our military commitments to NATO send troops to the right and left ... but send others. Our brothers.
not the politicians who send them, the super business managers, notaries, lawyers, our employees or the workers to go to risk their lives ... no, we work and part of our income we give to the state to pay even more to die.

should not be so, so it is too simple. A if the nation is at war must be all war, all must be called to assist in the defense of our future and the future of our children.
We are not at war? Well then torniamocene to our house because it is right that there are husbands, wives and husbands who cry that there are more ... or all, or none. This means being a nation.

But we are no longer a nation. We are only one state. Easier. Easier to be governed by the rule, be taxed dallo stato... se fossimo davvero una nazione dovrebbe essere legittimato il diritto del popolo a esprimere la sua opinione su ogni qualsivoglia questione, senza deleghe a politici per la maggior parte incapaci.

Ma dire che siamo SOLO uno stato, questo risolve i problemi, li facilita, non occorre dare spiegazioni. Siete uno stato, siete cittadini dello stato, tacete e ubbidite.

La democrazia malata questo ha prodotto. Che i sudditi dei re sono trattati molto più dignitosamente da parte dei monarchici di quanto non lo siamo noi da parte dello stato we have chosen to train to solve community problems. A state that has evolved has taken shape in their own life and now beats us, we kill and destroy everything beautiful there is in this country with his men and cowards and corrupt politicians.

A state whose expression is a televiosione which never fails to show us a documentary on the lives of our soldiers in Bosnia, Lebanon or the Middle East.
that almost did not exist. Serve almost as another state.
But loro sono là per noi, sono là perché se no (come giusto) anche noi dovremmo essere là.

La costituzione dice che tutti dovremmo concorrere alla difesa. Ma quando? Ma dove? Mai visti politici, notari o uomini ricchi e di potere italiani che difendono questa nazione.... al limite la impoveriscono, la difendono da un punto di vista egoistico, ma non la difendono da un punto di vista nobile.

E ora il Vescovo che dice ciò
Antonio Mattiazzo, vescovo di Padova, apre un bel dibattito.

I agree, a hero is not automatically the one who dies with the uniform.

But I agree, not the second point, to die with a weapon does not preclude the entry into the "Club of Heroes".

circumstances, actions and motivations leading to be "heroes." In our daily lives many of us committed acts of heroes. Fathers who are working two jobs to keep his wife and son. Young became pregnant whose boyfriends agree to stop study to recognize the child and manternerlo with his new wife. Mothers who choose to grow up alone with children. Missionaries.

No, you are heroes to the uniform. But in heaven as you enter it then bishops.

But that is another story.

THAT CONTINUES TO THIS POST: "To die with a uniform does not mean essere per forza eroi? Ma allora morire vescovi non significa andare in paradiso per forza..." (clicca QUI per andare al messaggio).

Buona serata intanto, 
Luca Zecca

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Emachine The Device Is Not Ready

fairy circles

Hello, I'm the gnome who lives in rosemary , the owner of this blog has spoken to me HERE.

Today I will take the floor to tell you about a typical phenomenon of belonging to my kingdom (the Little People), ie fairy circles.
I beg you, listen to me carefully , because it will give important indications on what to do if you happen to come across in a circle! If you do not pay enough attention and then something bad will happen, not prendevela with me!

What are you looking for

If, during a walk in the woods, you happen to see a grass circle mushrooms, flowers, trampled grass or pietroline , you can rest assured that this is a circle of fairies. The most popular and ancient circles are formed from white mushrooms "Marasmius oreades" and may have more than 600 years.

Questi cerchi si formano nei luoghi in cui gli abitanti del Piccolo Popolo si radunano a ballare , nella loro tipica danza a cerchio.
Bene, una volta identificato questo luogo, dovete fare attenzione a non andarci mai di notte e nemmeno pernottare lì vicino! Potreste infatti essere svegliati e attirati dalle trascinanti melodie suonate dalle fate, che per l'occasione assumeranno le fattezze più incantevoli...

... then take you by the hand, introduce into the circle and get involved in their wild dance .
When dawn came and broke the circle, you sembrertà it spent a few hours and instead spent a few years ! The world around you will change and you also probably will be well aged.
So please, stay away from the circles of the fairies, as night falls!

Thank you for your attention,

The gnome rosemary

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This post is dedicated to my love ...

senza formalià, "buon giorno" o altri tipi di "apertura" che uso nei miei post normali, questo I dedicate to you.
But I do not like, telling you how much you "love" that you were my first girlfriend and I want to spend my life with you.

no, this time I want to dedicate this message Regar space, releasing a couple of your beautiful drawings, so that all readers can see them ... you are fantastic small, never change! : -*: -*: -*

t amoooooooooooo,

As always click on image to view full size.

ps I hope the readers more "intransigent" forgive a post so extraordinary and sickly sweet, but I wanted to do so, and now that I had a moment to organize and mark the photos, I do not miss the opportunity.

nice day,
Luca Zecca

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Italy without a free press and where no one can say and do what they please? Nope

here is the article published today on
"" (found by clicking on all links)
Annozero: la rivincita di Libero, pubblicato il numero di Santoro
articolo del
22 gennaio 11
E' diventata la guerra dei numeri. Ma di
cellulare . Sulla prima pagina di Libero , il quotidiano diretto da Maurizio Belpietro
  questa mattina si legge  "Discrezione Zero: Santoro dà il cellulare del Cavaliere. Questo è il suo..."
. A real attack-revenge

Santoro, with the publication on the front page headlines and his mobile number.

Vendetta was done so after the live broadcast of Thursday, January 20, when the envoy of
Sandro Ruotolo
interviewed the escort Nadia Macri . Ruotolo was then taken to study the black book of Bologna with the details of Berlusconi, hiding the last three digits of a finger. But the last three numbers were already apparent from the dossier sent by the Milan prosecutor's office to the Board for authorization to the House. Added to the other shown by Annozero has quietly gained the number Berlusconi.
warns "In Annozero episode aired on Thursday, they hid behind a trick. They have covered the final three digits. These, however, can be largely rebuilt. So for two days due to the tam tam of blogs that have solved the riddle easy "- says the newspaper - " thousands of people have phoned the premier blocking the line. Who has tried that before referring a woman's voice answered, then a busy signal fixed. " The newspaper
Berlusconi continues to roar like a storm, and at the last sermon before adding yet another attack on Michele Santoro and his
 "Ecco il suo numero. Non lo hanno intercettato né indagato. Però potrà provare lo stesso il brivido del contatto diretto con il pubblico. Potrà seguire lo stesso consiglio che dispensa lui al premier: 'C'è poco da commentare ci sono tante compagnie telefoniche, se il premier è preoccupato cambi numero'. Se non gradirà, potrà anch'egli affidarsi a un nuovo gestore o chiedere una nuova Sim" . Povera Italia.
Gennaro Marco Duello

" Io non capisco le ultime due parole di tutto il testo. Perché anche questa volta, "POVERA ITALY?

We know that because of efficiency in public administration, justice and honesty of the average citizen to others we are being very close to allegory "Land of Bananas," but Not this time!

Come on please, this time "POOR ITALY" no ... poor thing would have made the story in itself?

Disregarding for speech which led to the article, stories escort, prostitutes and the usual stupid things that distract the national press are crap and there until we are there, but in this case part I do not see any situation that makes you think a "POOR ITALY.

I read that the usual conductor a bit 'too little correct (and very biased, even if he uses the example of journalist as "free") has spilled the Quattroventi mobile phone number of a person (or premier citizen does not count), confident of impunity as a journalist. If we were I a citizen or "whatever", we would have beaten the judiciary. Santoro But no, he can.

And on the other we have? That "Free", a newspaper, he decided to turn to "get even" by publishing the telephone number of the incorrect driver. What is it that makes the country poor?

one hand, a wrong attitude, the other a response that although in principle incorrect action of the first being equal, in reality it is not simply because it draws the accounts.

It returns to equilibrium and then.

This makes us a great country. Other than "poor", dear Marco Duel.
And ordinary citizens, the "normal people" this thing receives the full ... and we would ride Santoro, Travaglio and Grillo who speak of an "information does not exist" because until proven otherwise, on websites, radio, newspaper and television everyone says and writes what he sees fit ... and publishes what it considers most appropriate ... often as in this case with very serious lack of discretion, but he does and continues to do so ...

so what? Where is this "information ".... gag Is not that someone does not like the opponent can be read exactly as you read him?

Gag information is perhaps the lack of power over all means of communication?

Maybe ...

for now everything else is stuck on signorina Ruby Rubacuori e sulla ricerca delle sue foto da mettere in prima pagina (vero nome di Ruby è, tra l'altro, Karima, quasi mai usato da stampa e giornalisti)... le foto sexy di Ruby, i sederi delle "signorine del premier" (prostitute e escot di Berlusoni?)... le dichiarazioni di Nadia Macrì e le sue foto sexy con lei seminuda (la ricerca delle foto da mettere in prima pagina è diventato il filo conduttore.

E poi abbiamo anche la difesa con video-messaggio del Cavaliere, il contrattacco di Nicole Minetti, il condominio a luci rosse dove Macrì, Ruby e le altre vivevano "contendendosi gli appartamenti più grandi" (As some of them said).

These are the topics of the day. Why it was decided by them. From the publisher.

They agree that the paragraph of culture does not sell, but sell seats on the Ruby.

's not a gag, are free business decisions.

And what can we do? Do not buy newspaper editorials who choose these lines ... but otherwise, my friends, talking about "gag" or limiting freedom of the press seems to me at least, now, ridiculous ...

think so, surely you share differently.

You can also think differently from mine, but I would give my life, so that you can express your opinion.

This is freedom, choose, again, who we are and who we want to be.

Good weekend
Luca Zecca

ps I could have chosen an image sexy for the post, you also know the internet thanks to "google image" it is possible to increase traffic. I only had to publish a photo sexy giving it a catchy name and "bum" visits increased, as I have another "editorial" I think that sobriety is, home is always good with cultural post. Butts and Tits, leave them for other topics. Good day.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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The child that was not true - Keith Donohue

"We steal children and take their place. The child and the child becomes elf elf. And it is not for any children, but to those rare souls confused in front of his young life or particularly sensitive to world events desperate. "

The changeling is a theme dear to the legends of fairies are said to the fairies, to give new vigor to their offspring, occasionally exchanging a human child with an elf. This case involves in the novel the little Henry Day.

beginning of the reading I felt a sense of unease It was hard to digest the injustice of the child deprived of parents and plunged between wild critters, not to mention the vicissitudes of the child's real parents impostor deceiving .
This atmosphere is a bit 'grim changes as they proceed with the reading, very gradually, when protagostini nonetheless manage to find love. And to me, paradoxically, it seemed described in more vivid colors and exciting love between " Aniday " (the name of the crippled child stolen) La Follette and Speck, a love that can not be materialized because the players can not become adults, yet engaging and poignant, as mentioned.
Also interesting is the part where you offer true motivations of the legend of the changeling (deformed or handicapped children were "brought by the fairies" and that, unfortunately, sometimes resulted in their abandonment), which almost a mirror lies are presented as an impostor.

Tiololo original: The Stolen Child
Translation: Elizabeth Humoud
Rizzoli, 2006 339 pages

€ 17.50

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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the Loggia dei Mercanti in Milan and Hecate

today to tell you a story about medieval markets, spices and ancient gods .
During the Christmas season, I did some ride in downtown Milan to leave my Pigotte UNICEF and also to buy some Christmas gifts.
But according to you those life will discuss ways of "fashion", and conventional shopping in the city? Of course not! It brings you into the medieval Milan ...

... and precisely in the Loggia dei Mercanti , which is located under the arches in Via Dante and leads to Piazza dei Mercanti, which you can see in the image above (photo taken from this page ). It 's the place where the trades were done once, and where even now you can find some of the most typical and delicious stalls in the city, especially in the food.
Thanks to my Pauline, who has an eye for these things, we discovered a feast of spices , which led me to turn on the trail of an ancient deity.

The banquet exposed fragrant spices: we made Indian curry and chilli and smoked in homage we received a large root ginger.
Back home, I searched the website for those who market these specialties, ie society Enodia .

Named by the appeal of a goddess of pre-Indo-European origin, Enodia Hecate, the goddess of the triple aspect - young adult and old - whose effectiveness was placed to protect the crossing. He has the ability to move in three worlds, that of the living, the dead and the gods, carrying his sacred torches. It 'was also associated with the moon phases. Her sacred animal is the dog, which she herself may take the form.

E 'a goddess and the ancestral mystery, and it is perhaps for this reason that is often taken as a symbol of witchcraft.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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On the radio 2 ... (Radio Three "Fahrenheit")

Second time on the radio a few days. This time it's three in the radio program devoted to books and literature "Fahrenheit." A short and quick chat with the editors who, needless to say, I was very pleased. The transmission was broadcast, live, December 29, 2010 at 16:30, but if you missed it and someone wants to listen (or replay), simply connect to the website of Radio three, or type this link: http : / /

This is the card taken from the book "Fahrenheit."

'E' on the morning of August 2, 1980. Marco travels by train to Bologna, where the convoy begins slowly to a halt for no apparent reason. A few minutes later, on board began to spread the news: there was the station of Bologna an attack. Teso and distressed, Marco left the train and running along the tracks, towards the place of tragedy. February 1968, twelve years ago: Mark and Andrea are in their early twenties and attending the same option, currently occupied by students of the movement challenged. Among them was Sandra, of which both boys - different in character and extraction but close friends - are in love. The political tension is strong, is palpable, but the worst is yet to come. On August 2, thirty years ago, a bomb split the Bologna train station and upset forever the fate of Italy. "

Happy reading and happy listening ... and happy new year:)


Friday, January 7, 2011

Nose Wax Always Bloody

The discovery of Snow in the house of life Coloring

Hey! But this year I have not yet told as winter snows are gone from me ... so I take this opportunity also to introduce new characters Coloring your life!
The gnome who lives in my rosemary has been found buried in the house ...

... my cat ha scoperto la neve per la prima volta nella sua vita, visto che è nata la scorsa primavera!

Ma il più furbo è il nostro gattone (lui lo conoscete già, vero?): è diventato un pezzo unico con la cestina, da quando l'abbiamo posizionata sotto il termosifone!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Long Do You Bake In Silicone Cupcake

Things to Do in Milan: the museum of the twentieth century

Colorare la vita vi porta alla scoperta di una novità molto recente (inaugurata il 6 dicembre 2010) di Milano: il museo del Novecento .
Questo museo è stato creato perchè Milan, too, like other large European cities, had a place that would collect the works of the twentieth century, also in this way has been rediscovered dell'Arengario building, located right next to the Duomo and the Palazzo Reale (other pole cultural, of which I had spoken HERE).

The museum deserves to be seen if you are not fanatics of the twentieth century: same architecture of the place In fact, it is spectacular. You enter a large scala a chiocciola , tutta illuminata, che in futuro partirà direttamente dalla fermata della metropolitana Duomo!


Il palazzo ha grandi vetrate, che danno sulla città, fino ad arrivare alla stanza più spettacolare, in cui si trova il Neon costruito da Lucio Fontana per la IX Triennale del 1951. Da qui c'è una vista mozzafiato su Piazza Duomo!

La prima opera è " Il quarto stato ", quadro monumentale di Pelizza da Volpedo.

Then he goes into a room where you can see Picasso, Braque, Matisse and Kandinsky also beautiful. Obviously

large space was given to Italian artists. I must say that I never deepened the futurism, but I was really impressed by the large, colorful paintings by Boccioni , giving a sense of dynamism.
In this work, titled "Elasticity," unable to distinguish the beautiful red horse and its rider? ;-)

There are also Balla, Carrà, Morandi, Martini, Fontana, Manzoni, Modigliani, De Chirico, Widow, Doctors, Sironi ... and then others who do not remember!
In the room below you can see "The Convalescent" Martini.

A visit to this museum is really to try ... inter alia, to the February 28 entry is free!