Monday, January 24, 2011

Reply Card Wording With Vegetarian Option Only

We expect that those who have privileges decides to take them off? For politicians to take away the wages and the rich are taxed for the common good ... From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark

Good evening,
scriptures say :
to the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said:" He is possessed by Beelzebub, and casts out demons by the prince of demons. "
But he called them, He said to them in parables: "How can Satan cast out Satan?
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom can not stand
if a house is divided against itself, that house can not stand.
the same way, if Satan rebels against himself and is divided can not stand, but is about to end. No one can enter the house of a strong man and plunder his goods unless he has first binds the strong man, then he plunder his house. In truth I tell you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness for ever is guilty of an eternal guilt. " Since said: 'It possessed by an unclean spirit. "(Thanks to
Daily Gospel
the same way that Satan does not cast out Satan we expect that those who have privileges to remove them if selfish? Let the politicians to enact laws against them and those like them?
No, never ... or begin to understand that we must trust politicians who are among the people, by people who come and work for people, or if we continue to vote for parties che scelgono trai loro ranghi affaristi il futuro sarà sempre tenebroso...

a voi poi scegliere chi votare!

Io la mia scelta l'ho fatta da un po' e non me ne pento, ritengo che il mio partito non difenda miei interessi egoistici ma miei interessi "giusti". Se per giusto intendiamo qualcosa che naturalmente in un mondo altrettanto "giusto" bisognerebbe avere senza combattere per appropiarsene.

Vivere la nostra quotidianità aspettando that something will change by itself is useless ... the hope is very strong if it is accompanied by concrete actions, Jesus teaches us this.

Jesus spent in the remote desert 40 days but then I will go among the people who loved to help and preach.

what do we do? We want to spend forty days in meditation or a lifetime because it is the easiest way, more to go?

The choice is yours, but before God, history will judge us already. And the court of history, history (let the pun), it is very severe with the nations that have suffered passively events.

Good evening,
Luca Zecca


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