Saturday, January 22, 2011

Emachine The Device Is Not Ready

fairy circles

Hello, I'm the gnome who lives in rosemary , the owner of this blog has spoken to me HERE.

Today I will take the floor to tell you about a typical phenomenon of belonging to my kingdom (the Little People), ie fairy circles.
I beg you, listen to me carefully , because it will give important indications on what to do if you happen to come across in a circle! If you do not pay enough attention and then something bad will happen, not prendevela with me!

What are you looking for

If, during a walk in the woods, you happen to see a grass circle mushrooms, flowers, trampled grass or pietroline , you can rest assured that this is a circle of fairies. The most popular and ancient circles are formed from white mushrooms "Marasmius oreades" and may have more than 600 years.

Questi cerchi si formano nei luoghi in cui gli abitanti del Piccolo Popolo si radunano a ballare , nella loro tipica danza a cerchio.
Bene, una volta identificato questo luogo, dovete fare attenzione a non andarci mai di notte e nemmeno pernottare lì vicino! Potreste infatti essere svegliati e attirati dalle trascinanti melodie suonate dalle fate, che per l'occasione assumeranno le fattezze più incantevoli...

... then take you by the hand, introduce into the circle and get involved in their wild dance .
When dawn came and broke the circle, you sembrertà it spent a few hours and instead spent a few years ! The world around you will change and you also probably will be well aged.
So please, stay away from the circles of the fairies, as night falls!

Thank you for your attention,

The gnome rosemary


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