Saturday, January 22, 2011

Last Measure Virus Mac

Italy without a free press and where no one can say and do what they please? Nope

here is the article published today on
"" (found by clicking on all links)
Annozero: la rivincita di Libero, pubblicato il numero di Santoro
articolo del
22 gennaio 11
E' diventata la guerra dei numeri. Ma di
cellulare . Sulla prima pagina di Libero , il quotidiano diretto da Maurizio Belpietro
  questa mattina si legge  "Discrezione Zero: Santoro dà il cellulare del Cavaliere. Questo è il suo..."
. A real attack-revenge

Santoro, with the publication on the front page headlines and his mobile number.

Vendetta was done so after the live broadcast of Thursday, January 20, when the envoy of
Sandro Ruotolo
interviewed the escort Nadia Macri . Ruotolo was then taken to study the black book of Bologna with the details of Berlusconi, hiding the last three digits of a finger. But the last three numbers were already apparent from the dossier sent by the Milan prosecutor's office to the Board for authorization to the House. Added to the other shown by Annozero has quietly gained the number Berlusconi.
warns "In Annozero episode aired on Thursday, they hid behind a trick. They have covered the final three digits. These, however, can be largely rebuilt. So for two days due to the tam tam of blogs that have solved the riddle easy "- says the newspaper - " thousands of people have phoned the premier blocking the line. Who has tried that before referring a woman's voice answered, then a busy signal fixed. " The newspaper
Berlusconi continues to roar like a storm, and at the last sermon before adding yet another attack on Michele Santoro and his
 "Ecco il suo numero. Non lo hanno intercettato né indagato. Però potrà provare lo stesso il brivido del contatto diretto con il pubblico. Potrà seguire lo stesso consiglio che dispensa lui al premier: 'C'è poco da commentare ci sono tante compagnie telefoniche, se il premier è preoccupato cambi numero'. Se non gradirà, potrà anch'egli affidarsi a un nuovo gestore o chiedere una nuova Sim" . Povera Italia.
Gennaro Marco Duello

" Io non capisco le ultime due parole di tutto il testo. Perché anche questa volta, "POVERA ITALY?

We know that because of efficiency in public administration, justice and honesty of the average citizen to others we are being very close to allegory "Land of Bananas," but Not this time!

Come on please, this time "POOR ITALY" no ... poor thing would have made the story in itself?

Disregarding for speech which led to the article, stories escort, prostitutes and the usual stupid things that distract the national press are crap and there until we are there, but in this case part I do not see any situation that makes you think a "POOR ITALY.

I read that the usual conductor a bit 'too little correct (and very biased, even if he uses the example of journalist as "free") has spilled the Quattroventi mobile phone number of a person (or premier citizen does not count), confident of impunity as a journalist. If we were I a citizen or "whatever", we would have beaten the judiciary. Santoro But no, he can.

And on the other we have? That "Free", a newspaper, he decided to turn to "get even" by publishing the telephone number of the incorrect driver. What is it that makes the country poor?

one hand, a wrong attitude, the other a response that although in principle incorrect action of the first being equal, in reality it is not simply because it draws the accounts.

It returns to equilibrium and then.

This makes us a great country. Other than "poor", dear Marco Duel.
And ordinary citizens, the "normal people" this thing receives the full ... and we would ride Santoro, Travaglio and Grillo who speak of an "information does not exist" because until proven otherwise, on websites, radio, newspaper and television everyone says and writes what he sees fit ... and publishes what it considers most appropriate ... often as in this case with very serious lack of discretion, but he does and continues to do so ...

so what? Where is this "information ".... gag Is not that someone does not like the opponent can be read exactly as you read him?

Gag information is perhaps the lack of power over all means of communication?

Maybe ...

for now everything else is stuck on signorina Ruby Rubacuori e sulla ricerca delle sue foto da mettere in prima pagina (vero nome di Ruby è, tra l'altro, Karima, quasi mai usato da stampa e giornalisti)... le foto sexy di Ruby, i sederi delle "signorine del premier" (prostitute e escot di Berlusoni?)... le dichiarazioni di Nadia Macrì e le sue foto sexy con lei seminuda (la ricerca delle foto da mettere in prima pagina è diventato il filo conduttore.

E poi abbiamo anche la difesa con video-messaggio del Cavaliere, il contrattacco di Nicole Minetti, il condominio a luci rosse dove Macrì, Ruby e le altre vivevano "contendendosi gli appartamenti più grandi" (As some of them said).

These are the topics of the day. Why it was decided by them. From the publisher.

They agree that the paragraph of culture does not sell, but sell seats on the Ruby.

's not a gag, are free business decisions.

And what can we do? Do not buy newspaper editorials who choose these lines ... but otherwise, my friends, talking about "gag" or limiting freedom of the press seems to me at least, now, ridiculous ...

think so, surely you share differently.

You can also think differently from mine, but I would give my life, so that you can express your opinion.

This is freedom, choose, again, who we are and who we want to be.

Good weekend
Luca Zecca

ps I could have chosen an image sexy for the post, you also know the internet thanks to "google image" it is possible to increase traffic. I only had to publish a photo sexy giving it a catchy name and "bum" visits increased, as I have another "editorial" I think that sobriety is, home is always good with cultural post. Butts and Tits, leave them for other topics. Good day.


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