Sunday, January 23, 2011

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3.22 to 30 die in uniform does not necessarily mean to be heroes? But then death does not mean the bishops to go to heaven for strength ...

Good evening,
follows on
of this post (click here): "The days of TV? One sucks ... if you want to see programs and movies culturally interesting, devi aspettare le 20.00...".

Sintetizzandon e il discorso, il Vescovo di Padova,
Antonio Mattiazzo, dice che se si muore con la divisa, automaticamente non si è eroi.
Io dico, giustissimo, ma allora possiamo anche dire che morire da vescovi non significa andare in paradiso.
E' infatti così sicuro che "il principale" usi lo stesso metro di giudizio usato in terra?

Credo alla fine che tutto questo discorso è davvero futile e un vescovo stesso non dovrebbe aprirlo... perché eroe è colui che consapevolmente sceglie di affrontare la paura, anche a costo della vita, per un bene più alto.
Tutti avremmo paura di sentire le pallottole che ci sibilano a fianco dell'orecchio, ma eroe è colui che comunque si lancia in corsa per salvare il compagno in difficoltà. 

Se dovessimo star qui a pensare "Ma avrà corso per davvero o solo immaginando la medaglia?", oppure "Sarà went to save it safe knowing the promotion? "or crap like that you become stupid. The more that I have always taught that I can not pretend to take the speck out of my brother, I do not see the beam that is in mine.

So to say that, in principle, yes, a climber who died a hero.
E 'hero because someone has to defend the homeland. The NAIA took off, so the contribution of the population since the army is really only the taxes paid. A real people who have been actively involved in the defense of the nation, but we have entirely delegated to others that charge.
And it is indisputable that many of them the just to make money, just for a promotion and so on. etc..
But a boy who died so young, leaving a wife with whom even went on a honeymoon because they died in Afghanistan, not a hero?

If there were no mountain, if there were any more, she defended him this status?
When Islamic extremists begin to get serious and really threatened the status will be those who defend the Alpine or her? If you are quiet, no one can rob and profess our religion, it is because police officers, police and soldiers give their lives.

His judgments, are unpopular. Think about how they can tell us of pedophile priests to be among us in the form of meat blood and our Lord Jesus
Here, we give an explanation, "Church" of this, and then will spit on our heroes.

But until then, let it be the conscience of every individual and the community to judge who is a hero or not.
Because if you had told me that heroes are not actors and others who have not done much in the end if not for themselves, you would have 100,000 reasons. Because an actor is nothing more than one worker.

Hero is the father who keeps the family who sacrifices himself for the community every day, the mother washing toilets to keep the child out of a recognized marriage.
But coming to say a priori that a military hero because he can not be 'HAS A FIREARM Strap on, well, you tell the Christian Copts.

Surely they, unlike my many arguments to give up the weapon in some cases necessary.
Meanwhile, good evening to all, and remember to always be viligi on this poor state, which already now is no longer a nation,
Luca Zecca

ps look at the image of this message and tell me if the two children laughing, feeling protected by one of our soldiers believe that the value of the uniform is diminished by the fact that this weapon Strap fire, ready to defend them from an attack of any aggressor.


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