Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pocket Bikes Store In Chandler

The TV in the daytime? Sucks ... if you want to see programs and movies culturally interesting, you have to wait for the 20:00 ...

Good evening,
've never been a prosecutor a sword comes to TV, but now admit that it has become a 'indecency.

Almost no mention of the Alpine Luca Sanna died in Afghanistan. The bishop is able to say that it is not necessarily a hero who dies with a soldier's uniform. Absolutely right, a hero is someone who does something dealing with fear, risking their lives for a greater good.

the news? No, too busy on the subject mentioned above, and talking about various gossip and bullshit.
Maybe give serious consideration to the ideas people is a greater satisfaction than to sell some more copies with "bums and boobs."

finally reflect on our role International Military ... that now the defense of the country is totally delegated. To view our military commitments to NATO send troops to the right and left ... but send others. Our brothers.
not the politicians who send them, the super business managers, notaries, lawyers, our employees or the workers to go to risk their lives ... no, we work and part of our income we give to the state to pay even more to die.

should not be so, so it is too simple. A if the nation is at war must be all war, all must be called to assist in the defense of our future and the future of our children.
We are not at war? Well then torniamocene to our house because it is right that there are husbands, wives and husbands who cry that there are more ... or all, or none. This means being a nation.

But we are no longer a nation. We are only one state. Easier. Easier to be governed by the rule, be taxed dallo stato... se fossimo davvero una nazione dovrebbe essere legittimato il diritto del popolo a esprimere la sua opinione su ogni qualsivoglia questione, senza deleghe a politici per la maggior parte incapaci.

Ma dire che siamo SOLO uno stato, questo risolve i problemi, li facilita, non occorre dare spiegazioni. Siete uno stato, siete cittadini dello stato, tacete e ubbidite.

La democrazia malata questo ha prodotto. Che i sudditi dei re sono trattati molto più dignitosamente da parte dei monarchici di quanto non lo siamo noi da parte dello stato we have chosen to train to solve community problems. A state that has evolved has taken shape in their own life and now beats us, we kill and destroy everything beautiful there is in this country with his men and cowards and corrupt politicians.

A state whose expression is a televiosione which never fails to show us a documentary on the lives of our soldiers in Bosnia, Lebanon or the Middle East.
that almost did not exist. Serve almost as another state.
But loro sono là per noi, sono là perché se no (come giusto) anche noi dovremmo essere là.

La costituzione dice che tutti dovremmo concorrere alla difesa. Ma quando? Ma dove? Mai visti politici, notari o uomini ricchi e di potere italiani che difendono questa nazione.... al limite la impoveriscono, la difendono da un punto di vista egoistico, ma non la difendono da un punto di vista nobile.

E ora il Vescovo che dice ciò
Antonio Mattiazzo, vescovo di Padova, apre un bel dibattito.

I agree, a hero is not automatically the one who dies with the uniform.

But I agree, not the second point, to die with a weapon does not preclude the entry into the "Club of Heroes".

circumstances, actions and motivations leading to be "heroes." In our daily lives many of us committed acts of heroes. Fathers who are working two jobs to keep his wife and son. Young became pregnant whose boyfriends agree to stop study to recognize the child and manternerlo with his new wife. Mothers who choose to grow up alone with children. Missionaries.

No, you are heroes to the uniform. But in heaven as you enter it then bishops.

But that is another story.

THAT CONTINUES TO THIS POST: "To die with a uniform does not mean essere per forza eroi? Ma allora morire vescovi non significa andare in paradiso per forza..." (clicca QUI per andare al messaggio).

Buona serata intanto, 
Luca Zecca


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