Thursday, January 20, 2011

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The child that was not true - Keith Donohue

"We steal children and take their place. The child and the child becomes elf elf. And it is not for any children, but to those rare souls confused in front of his young life or particularly sensitive to world events desperate. "

The changeling is a theme dear to the legends of fairies are said to the fairies, to give new vigor to their offspring, occasionally exchanging a human child with an elf. This case involves in the novel the little Henry Day.

beginning of the reading I felt a sense of unease It was hard to digest the injustice of the child deprived of parents and plunged between wild critters, not to mention the vicissitudes of the child's real parents impostor deceiving .
This atmosphere is a bit 'grim changes as they proceed with the reading, very gradually, when protagostini nonetheless manage to find love. And to me, paradoxically, it seemed described in more vivid colors and exciting love between " Aniday " (the name of the crippled child stolen) La Follette and Speck, a love that can not be materialized because the players can not become adults, yet engaging and poignant, as mentioned.
Also interesting is the part where you offer true motivations of the legend of the changeling (deformed or handicapped children were "brought by the fairies" and that, unfortunately, sometimes resulted in their abandonment), which almost a mirror lies are presented as an impostor.

Tiololo original: The Stolen Child
Translation: Elizabeth Humoud
Rizzoli, 2006 339 pages

€ 17.50


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