Monday, February 28, 2011

Can You Take Anbesol While Pregnant


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ross Nartaki Schianchi \u0026lt; >
Date: February 25, 2011 16:57
A: Joseph Crispo Premartha \u0026lt; g.crispo @>



through music, movement, PAINTING


Sunday, March 27

From 16:00 to 19:00


The Tarot is a great tool knowledge of themselves and the universe.

are mirrors that reflect what lies within each

and show the talents, strengths, thoughts and feelings of the person,

showing a clear picture of the situation and the keys to deal with it.

To experience the Tarot means to dance, talk, paint ....

prepare their message for it to enter deeply into the consciousness and body,

so that it can turn a condition of discomfort in a resource.

We use music, dance, painting, meditation

to get in touch with the cards, place the most important questions

and allow the message to enter deeply into us.

Nartaki Schianchi

conducts individual sessions, groups and seminars

to facilitate listening to him, the dissolution

tensions and the discovery of their talents.

His instruments are Dance, Meditation, Tarot,

Creative Painting, Reiki, massage.


Via Giotto, 7 - 50058 Signa (FI) - Phone 055 8734171 - 339 7883343 - 349 6422211


Premartha Joseph Crispo : 3383945607 - g.crispo @


Premartha Joseph Crispo
Operator Trainer Holistic
SIAF Certificate No TO043T-OP
Cell 3383945607

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Fusilli with curry and onions: a recipe for those suffering from endometriosis

Il post di oggi partecipa all'iniziativa Contest perBene , lanciato dalla blogger Sunflowers. Lo scopo è sensibilizzare le persone sull' endometriosi : una malattia che colpisce le donne, non tanto conosciuta ma più diffusa di quanto si pensi.
Cliccate QUI per info e, se volete, per partecipare.

Per combattere l'infiammazione e il dolore che provoca questa malattia, l'alimentazione svolge un ruolo davvero importante .
I cibi are: whole grains, pasta, rice, beans, tuna, anchovies, olive oil, nuts and vegetables.
Foods no: dairy, red meat, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, saturated fats, butter and margarine, beverages high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, vegetable oils (from the blog of Sunflowers).
So: you can prepare tasty dishes without meat, dairy and fat?
Siiiii The answer is'!
Also because if the salt is reduced, the use of spices, including hot, it's ok.
I, for example, I offer my humble contribution with a recipe that uses a unique mix of spices: curry.

Deepening the curry

This curry I bought it in Piazza dei Mercanti , as I told HERE is from India and is distributed by the company Enodia .
If you have no way of circling for food markets, do not worry! The curry is also found in organic shops or supermarkets, the important thing is to check the quality of ingredients.
My curry, strong type MADRAS, contains: coriander, cumin, ginger, greek hay, cardamom, mace, cloves, mustard, chili, turmeric.
through the blog that I could make you feel the smell coming out of the jar just opened ...

I read the box:
With a warm and slightly spicy flavor, is ideal for sauces, with the white meat, or velvety mussels and seafood. Also recommended for vegetarians. Among the medicinal virtues stands out for its digestive properties.

And now that we have depth, we pass true to the recipe!

Fusilli with curry and onions

Preliminary note
This recipe lends itself to many variations . Instead of onions can be used leeks or red onions , or other vegetables you like, as finely sliced \u200b\u200bpeppers, zucchini or cut into thin slices.

Serves 2
- 160 grams fusilli
- 3 green onions
- 1 teaspoon curry
- extra virgin olive


sliced \u200b\u200bonions and brown them in a pan with a little oil. There is no need to add salt.

After a couple of minutes, when they are lightly browned, begin to add a bit 'of water. Regulator as follows: measured on a glass a little water and let it dry before adding another. More or less, the operation is repeated for 3 / 4 times, until the onions are softened.
In this way the onions take on a sweet taste, and side effects are eliminated type taste / pungent smell.
Turn off the heat and add the curry. Mix well, until everything will turn a beautiful yellow uniform.
Let there to add flavor and in the meantime, cook the fusilli until al dente.
Drain, pour the pan and stir well before Serve. If you want you can give even further steaming.
And now, we can only enjoy this fragrant, hot and sour taste! Appe

Sunday, February 27, 2011

3 Month Hiv Test Accuracy

Fatevi dire sempre sì.

I just discovered a book that reveals the secrets of nonverbal communication.
Here are some tips, some granted, others perhaps less:
- stride indicates that decision states
- Smile. Always. A good business card

- No bags to big, always give the impression that we used to bring many things behind

- Always Look sull'interlocutore, averting a sign of weakness
- Braccia conserte. Mai. Sinonimo di chiusura

- Gambe incrociate. No. Provoca distrazione

- Look. Dipende dalla situazione. Indossare comunque qualcosa che ci faccia sentire sempre a nostro agio.  

- Shaking hands. Always date safely and

- Heel. Yes shoes help to maintain a security posture that communicates

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gargling With Salt And Iodine For Sore Throat

Tacos "Italian": simple and natural to the good children!

At home I had some tacos and I thought, filled with the right ingredients, could become a sort of mini- crispy tortillas, suitable for children . Why
suitable for children? Because this is involved in the post the blogger Caris, to express our solidarity with the department of neuro-physiology of the founding of Rome Saint Lucia, who looks after many children, but unfortunately is likely to close. Click
HERE to learn more and if you want to participate too!

Mine is a quick and easy recipe, in whose preparation can involve your little ones!

Ingredients for four children

- 4 discs of pasta to tacos (they are at the supermarket)
- 8 slices of dried beef (or ham, salami or other acceptable)
- a dozen cubes of brie
- rocket

How it works?

Heat a griddle very well, then put us over the tacos. Now lower the heat, the flame should not be too lively.

After having made them warm on one side, turn them over once and put the brie and then sliced.

What do you say kids, we add even the rocket? Come on, so we make the tacos even more colorful!
But you do these operations to large, non-burned hands I want to see :-)

Once filled tacos, you have two-fold: they will not break because we have really hot. Let them grill for far and wide.

The adults can also add the Tabasco sauce inside.

How Much Wood To Smoke

Oggi siamo su DCASA, l'allegato di Repubblica!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Does Celebrities Get Stretch Marks

The diet of only protein hurts!

Good evening,
yes, the diet of only protein in the long run it hurts. Can help you lose weight if practiced for two weeks, one month at most. But then what?

But then they start to damage the liver and kidneys ... not to mention the long-term effects on bone and diabetes!

He says even on wikipedia ( be reached by clicking HERE ):
The Scarsdale diet is one of those diets Low-carb (or low in carbohydrates), and is one of the most popular diets to lose weight, allowing you to reach your ideal weight in no time.

Designed by Drs Herman Tarnower and Samm Sinclair Bake, is probably one of diets followed in the USA. In the Scarsdale diet, as in all low carb diets, it involves a reduction of carbohydrates in favor of greater amounts of protein, and this just makes that can not be followed for a long period of time, as an increase in proteins in the long run can cause liver and kidney. Even if you can lose weight quickly, you are advised to practice the Scarsdale diet for a period of two weeks.

Vegetables are not allowed in this diet: corn, peas, potatoes, lentils and beans.

Good evening,
Luca Zecca

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Television

Una chicca unica

Kym Thanks for this wonderful gift because unexpected and almost impossible to find!

What Can Cure Geogrphic Tongue

I sogni...

A man is old only when regrets outweigh him in dreams. Albert Einstein

Dark Blue Shirt With A Black Tie

Eleanor Roosevelt

mother of six children, not beautiful, attracted to women. His sexual relations with her husband President were a torment. Yet
were a pair of iron. Thanks to nearby offices. And in separate rooms.

He knew he was bad. Franklin, only son, he asked him six children. She had six children.

Lucy Mercer, her personal secretary. Missy Lehand, his personal secretary. September 1918. Franklin is back from the front. Eleanor is unpack your suitcase in a packet of letters fragrant. The Lucy had written to her husband.
Planted Lucy, Missy Roosevelt goes to bed. Eleanor wants to divorce, stop eating. In the end decided to stay. But
: separate bedrooms, separate lives, separate friends, separate administrations but with adjoining offices.
become a pair of iron.

Churchill was a guest at the White House the night he needed the bathroom in the hallway and Missy surprises coming out of the room in a dressing gown of the President. Missy: "Good evening. I helped the President to reorganize the collection of stamps."

"It cost me no sacrifice because sexual relations with your father have always been a pain (the daughter)."

In the twenties, Franklin took the polio and turn in a wheelchair. Eleanor attended Esther Lape and Elizabeth Read, lesbian, running in tweed tailored jacket and pants, suffered wrestling, hunt, etc..

"As he lived on the evening of Pearl Harbor? My husband came to dinner later - Eleanor Enzo Biagi

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Little Red Riding Hood: the original version and transformations in the history

The Grimm fairy tale sweetened

The best known version of "Little Red Riding Hood" is certainly one of Grimm (contained in the collection "Tales" from 1812 to 1822), we all have Listened children. In it the protagonist is "a girl so pretty and sweet" that the end is saved by the hunter.

Perrault a bad end for Little

A very different version is told by Perrault (in "The harvest of Mother Goose", 1697), in which you can see the sexual references in the original story, as in the part where the wolf asks the little girl to undress :

"The wolf, seeing her come in, he said, hiding under blankets: "Put the cake and the pot of butter on the sideboard, and come to bed with me." Hood Rosso si spogliò ed entrò nel letto, dove ebbe una gran sorpresa nel vedere com'era fatta la sua nonna, quando era tutta spogliata.”

Alla fine, poi, la povera cappuccetto rosso muore divorata dal lupo . Questo dà l’occasione a Perrault per trasmetterci la morale:

“La storia di Cappuccetto Rosso fa vedere ai giovinetti e alle giovinette, e segnatamente alle giovinette, che non bisogna mai fermarsi a discorrere per la strada con gente che non si conosce: perché dei lupi ce n'è dappertutto e di diverse specie, e i più pericolosi sono appunto quelli che hanno faccia di persone garbate e piene di complimenti e di belle maniere”
(trad. di Collodi)

Eppure, neanche questa versione moraleggiante mantiene gli elementi cannibalici e ritualizzati della versione originale.

La versione originale: il rito cannibalico

La tradizione orale, vera portavoce della storia before it was transcribed, handed down a particularly cruel to the very moment of encounter between Hood and the wolf (as can be seen eg from the collection of essays "Little Red Riding Hood a true story " edited by S. Calabrese and D. Feltracco, Meltemi 2008 ).

The wolf, with a ruse, asks the girl to eat the remains of grandmother, whom he had advanced. This detail is present in all the ancient versions (also evidenced by our "Italian Folktales" gathered by Calvino) and probably has a ritual significance : symbolizes the fertile young woman who takes the place of the old woman become infertile, or more generally the "death" metaphor of the older generation, driven out of the new one. In fact, the grandmother died, while you save Little Red Riding Hood.

The original conclusion

Surprise! The base version, as raw, finished well for the protagonist, that plus you save on its own without the help of any hunter or woodsman. There is no morality perraultiana given to good children, but is celebrated on the cunning peasant who wins the evil wolf, ol'orca hairy, short, or the enemy described in the various versions of the tale.
And how can we? So:

"-Grandma, I can not sleep without first going to make a Bisognin. The grandmother said: - Go into the stable to do so, I will fall for the trap door and then pull you up. The tied with a rope, and fell in the stable. The girl was down you just untied and tied a rope to the goat .- Have you finished? - Said the grandmother -. .- Wait a minute He finished the goat tying - Well, I'm done, take me on. "

Quote from " Italian Folktales "by Calvin , first edition 1956 (cited fable" The False Grandmother) .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nerovision Express 2 3.1.

CartaSì Email scam .... Phishing careful! Roberta Flack

Good evening,
we mark yet another phishing scam.

E 'email sent from the email "" with subject "New anti-fraud system - 2011" and contains the following:

"Dear customer,

CartaSi renewed anti-fraud system, today, its current account from

CartaSi is safe and unassailable.

We changed the safety limit, every time that you consult your

account tracorse 48 hours, your account will automatically

will be locked and unlocked on your next connection.

We have posted a request for further reference devices for each time

determined that the safety time expires.

access to online services "

not open it, throw it away and remove it.
Always pay close attention and follow the "basic rules to guard against phishing" (in fact many people ask me "but how can I protect myself from phishing attacks, spam and scam email?"), you'll find in my message titled "Rules for defend against phishing and email fraud ... with too few examples email-scam "to this address: (click HERE to view) .

maximum alert, always, to open links and attachments.

Good evening,
Luca Zecca