Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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PINA BAUSCH: un'esperienza di teatro e di vita che mancava da vent'anni

For fans of dance, the long wait is over to make room for the spectacular and exciting live show: Vollmond (Full Moon).
For the many who could not enjoy the live performance, the appointment is to be shown on cinema with the film Pina, made in 3D by Wim Wenders and was given its world premiere 13 February at the Berlinale.
The show - which premiered in Italy, Vollmond was created by Pina Bausch in 2006 and already acclaimed in Paris and New York.
"Vollmond is a passionate dialogue with the elements of nature.
reviewer Patrick Binco reads:
" A huge rock fills one side of the scene. It could be a large meteorite fell from the sky, or a cave in which refuge, or a bridge over which to climb to reach new goals.
Around this rock on which it falls at times heavy rain, dance a humanity that oscillates between joy and despair, between passionate love and hatred of the opposite sex, between madness and a lively sense of human existence sometimes nonsense. The light of an invisible full moon illuminates the scene of Teatro Strehler in Milan, where, after decades of absence has performed for four days, the company of Pina Bausch Tanztheater in "Vollmond.
"An area where we can meet each other" so called the same Bausch his way through the choreography of Dance Theatre, a new way to interpret the dance starting with the emotions and feelings of those dancers who, well away from the stereotypes purely formal, narrative and abstract of classical and modern dance, they drive themselves and the audience in an experience where real life, seen in his daily life, finds a perfect balance with the so-called stage fiction.
The scenery, as well as the music chosen by Bausch, never ornamental or decorative, but poetic and always try to see the inner movements of the soul through scenic elements and where the nature or the passage that surrounds us.
Even in "Full Moon", as in all the performances of Bausch, the starting point are the small daily gestures seemingly trivial, such as drinking a glass of water, or pour water from a bottle. Elegant women in evening dress with high heels appear on the scene, it seems to be at a party, women sway, they sit waiting for their knight serve them a glass to sip, but then the action is exaggerated, the rider does not only the water pours water into a glass, but in an exaggerated way out and continues to partner the completely wet from head to foot.
As always in the shows of Bausch, conflict man woman emerges forcefully, attraction and repulsion, love and hate, resentments small daily scattered throughout the show. A dancer enters the stage wearing a bra and tells his new partner on the time to beat to be able to loose as quickly as possible. It instigates to break the record of two seconds. Given a simple kiss on the mouth, but can become exaggerated in its repetition, a way to reject the man and bring him to reject the advances. The protagonist of the relationship between man and woman is always love. "Do you prefer a love and long-lasting full-blown - calls for a dancer - or a little bit of love every day? "



images are taken from the movie Pina Wenders


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