Thursday, February 10, 2011

Will Glyburide Hurt My Baby

DEMOCAZIA: Judiciary, a power which does not respond to people as a counterweight? But what are we saying?

today Corradino Mineo as always very punctual in his rassagna printing Rai News, I think he missed the target eventually stated as a personal idea of \u200b\u200ba party of intellectuals. And just

Corradino dear Yeah, but expensive (so to speak) Rocco Buttiglione, who told you with so much certainty that the power of the judiciary will be released from People and balances in democracy?

Demos-cazia, government of the people. In a democracy the fundamental principle that all authority should be 'representative and exercising the delegated power (justice, defense, government) ADOPTION OF THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE.

How does a judiciary and not elected to be self-enactment? Those judges did so with little serious examinations and competitions really doubt?

And Buttiglione, "in a democracy the people govern the extent of the law." And who told you?

Did you invent yourself and your fellow politicians who want to keep your self-caste that he sings it and if it sounds.

Why Democracy always the people acting for himself. Do you want the real revolution?

Oh yes after having heard so clearly, you politicians and journalists have now decided that within 10 years do you want to see how to burst a revolution in Italy.

And we are so confident that you will come out straight and winners from such an eventuality? I believe rather that you are crying to gnashing of teeth ...

because a politician who tells me that the people is sovereign in ALL POWER TO DELEGATE what I should be thinking? Who will survive in a revolution?

you afraid of juries eh? You know that your crime has already been condemned by the people and lacks only the formation of the jury, the choice of a judge and the preparation of the Executioner?

Your fault? Years of bad government .... 50 policy useless, futile, corrupt and undemocratic.

Other that judges must be free of the popular will. Are you kidding?

What is the status?

THE STATE AND 'an artifice LEGAL ... born of that need?
status stems from people with ties more complex than those of monkeys in the trees to make adjustments to the common interests ... JUSTICE, DEFENCE AND GOVERNMENT would not be possible with small groups of 50 persons ... the state is' THE ANSWER.

And what is the basis? It is based on:
_ territory
_ people
_ and attention, my favorite: POWER IMPERIO

And what is the power of empire? Given that people and territory are easily identifiable.

The power of empire is the control that a person (whether a legal entity, political or "physical") on the monopoly of legitimate force?

What is it? In a state of law "power" understood as the power to impose decisions, including those with precisely the force, coercion, it is totally in control of a person (in a democracy the state) which is exercised in the manner and limits of the law.

And the law exactly, is an emanation of the people.

The state is an emanation of the people.

The power of powers is granted by the people.

those circumstances how can we think that the judiciary does not respond to the people? E 'unthinkable and it is a distortion that you pretend not to see famous quote give reason to believe intellectuals.

But it is easy to be right with no one speaking in a news program that will respond. Go to some bars in the square to the shops to say that the people can not 'have a say on justice.

Buttiglione Why you so scared that people can deprive someone of liberty? Since you say that "the people can not decide for example to those who take away your freedom and who should not be punished ".... maybe you're afraid that the people choose differently by judges that do not affect your beautiful chaste? Magistrates are too busy to bother with Berlusconi to see the scum that lurks in the parties and that everyday is corrupted and corrupts?

Here, after a lesson on the state of law, we draw the consequences.

The state is an emanation of the people. Nobody in a democracy can be "above the law, or outside the law." But the law is a direct emanation of the people who delegate a power that would be right to exercise directly to the state.

Tale diritto non può portare a un potere (la magistratura italiana) delegato che diventa amministrato da non eletti.

Tutti noi abbiamo diritto a gestire difesa, giustiza e governo. Non lo facciamo perché i nostri avi prima di noi tale potere hanno scelto di delegarlo allo stato. 

Ma in ogni momento ce ne possiamo riappropriare. Se ora, adesso, subito andassi in piazza e qualcuno con me alzasse una bandiera. Se quel gruppo si dasse un nome, trovasse le caratteristiche common people who make it, fix the laws and elect the representatives, in a morning would create a state, and no virtue of any law could oppose this state of affairs.

birth to a new state. So, out of nowhere.

So just demagoguery and tendenzione definitions of the word Democracy ... the powers they need to counter, yes, but all must be elected by the people. Even the counter.

Otherwise what you read in your words?


That in itself, by its nature, and Good heavens, for the obvious, can not be offset. Never. Otherwise, it is the dictatorship of the judiciary.

E sì, il hanno ragione, l'ultimo giudice è il popolo. Sempre. E comunque.

Buona giornata,
Luca Zecca


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