Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nerovision Express 2 3.1.

CartaSì Email scam .... Phishing careful! Roberta Flack

Good evening,
we mark yet another phishing scam.

E 'email sent from the email "CartaSi_Informa@cartasi.it" with subject "New anti-fraud system - 2011" and contains the following:

"Dear customer,

CartaSi renewed anti-fraud system, today, its current account from

CartaSi is safe and unassailable.

We changed the safety limit, every time that you consult your

account tracorse 48 hours, your account will automatically

will be locked and unlocked on your next connection.

We have posted a request for further reference devices for each time

determined that the safety time expires.

access to online services "

not open it, throw it away and remove it.
Always pay close attention and follow the "basic rules to guard against phishing" (in fact many people ask me "but how can I protect myself from phishing attacks, spam and scam email?"), you'll find in my message titled "Rules for defend against phishing and email fraud ... with too few examples email-scam "to this address: http://freerenegade.blogspot.com/2010/12/attenzione-email-truffa-fatta-molto.html (click HERE to view) .

maximum alert, always, to open links and attachments.

Good evening,
Luca Zecca


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