Monday, February 7, 2011

Waking Up With Groin Pain

Movies Streaming Vs Cinema: Who will win the day?

oggi stavo pensando a che fine farebbero i cinema se tutti noi scaricassimo o guardassimo in streaming le nuove uscite... Che Bella Giornata di Checco Zalone in streaming, Vallanzasca - gli angeli del male in streaming, immaturi in streaming, i fantastici viaggi di Gulliver in streaming, Senna in streaming e parto col folle in streaming... ma poi perché no? Anche le anteprime! Ormai ci fanno vedere anche i film inediti non ancora usciti al cinema online... e quindi via con avatar 2 in streaming (molto prossimamente però =), come lo sai in streaming, Shelter - identità paranormali in streaming, The Shock Labyrinth: Extreme 3D in streaming, Il grinta in streaming e infine anche Un gelido inverno in streaming. Insomma, ormai la parola "streaming" fa moltissima paura a coloro che vogliono guadagnare "alla luce del sole" con le proiezioni cinematografiche e invece fa fregare le mani a chi con i film "contrabbando" vuole arricchirsi. I primi per lo meno versando le tasse, i secondi invece a tutto guadagno loro.

La terza via? Beh la terza via sono coloro che lo fanno solo per "amore della libertà" di mettere in giro i film... loro sì non vanno assolutamente toccati. Secondo me il principio della Corte Europea è equo "Chi diffonde materiale coperto dal copiright e dal diritto d'autore non può essere perseguito se dalla diffusione del materiale stesso non trae un guadagno". E di qui è escluso anche chi si fa pagare un poco solo per recuperare costi di connessione o masterizzazione.

Already, however, as many say, then the film will go to pieces ... and no!

is not true ... we want to put a comfortable chair, drink a jacket, a sound of fear and a breathtaking video screen of a PC?

streaming movies ... movies that are downloaded with bit torrent or emule if they make sense for those who want to "just see" in some way ... but never die those who go there to enjoy them to the cinema or to really be in the company.

Let me be honest, I have them a lot of movies I watched or downloaded online, but just as many (those who know me would have liked more ... Star Wars, The Day the Earth tantantissimi and others) I have seen them at the cinema because I do not want to lose the excitement and atmosphere that only cinema can create.

It is true that no one can expect to spend € 7 movie ticket to see me a decent enough film ... yes out of curiosity or to pass a couple of hours to calm me I see FREE ... but the same movie I did not I would still watched the movies.

The fact of seeing him free, so, in summary, neither earned nor did lose to the cinema.

If we add to this that many films such as here in Valtellina (Sondrio) even arrive ... understand that the streaming is almost a must.

So, in summary, my opinion is that watching movies online streaming or downloading movies from bit torrent or emule (like you do not know, scopritevelo you =) not "stealing" potential customers to the movies, but simply goes to cover the desire to see film of people still see that particular film download, film, there would go.

I expect your comments about it.

very good evening, from work that Monday is gone, then I send also a wish to spend a good week, that I started working on this lily, unfortunately.
A presto,
Luca Zecca


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