Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bring Your Swim Trunks For The Dunk Tank

ELIMINATE THE FEE! But meanwhile, here's how to unsubscribe ...

but a state can compel its citizens civil to pay for a service that no one is able to determine if they use, do not use or even if they know (many not even turn on the TV except to watch a DVD movie).

But someone could come to suffer a seizure because he has not paid the canon rai?

But where we are, in Libya?

Yes, we're probably in Libya ... The difference is that there have the courage to die for their country better, we spend our lives as good rabbit holes or in our head in the ground like ostriches.

work, pay taxes ... and the fee!

One thing least fascist and totalitarian regime ... the imposition of a fee for a service!

And that service ... damn! Servizzissimo!

subservient to the central power and party politics ... emanation of politics!

But shame ...

for those who have the courage to denounce the Handbook here already told thousands of times on websites and TV shows ... for everyone else, hope that sooner or later something will change.

But my grandmother said that "He who lives hoping dies shitting" and then, perhaps, it is better that we start to create tomorrow's Italy ... good day,
Luca Zecca

What to do to cancel the fee rai ( by AssoCittadini Click HERE to visit ):

Termination can be done at any time of year, s and made no later than the month of November is valid from January of the following . The payment of € 5.16 is unique, it will be up to the Internal Revenue Service Office Torino 1 - ATM SAT TV subscriptions - to send their officers to bag and seal the TV that you must 'make available to them.

1) Make your payment of € 5.16 by money order payable to
"Internal Revenue Service Office Torino 1 - SAT TV subscriptions door - Cas. Post. 22-10121 Torino "
indicating the reason for payment:
" I intend to seal my television and indicates the number of my subscription ......... No ..............".
2) postcard marked with the letter D (D = DECLARATION OF TERMINATION OF 'subscription), fill it in its entirety, and tick "intend to seal the CTV.
mail the form" D "together with a copy of the receipt of postal order by registered letter AR.
Keep the old book and all documents relating to the practice.

1) Make your payment of € 5.16 by money order payable to
"Internal Revenue Service Office Torino 1 - SAT TV subscriptions door - Cas. Post. 22 - 10121 Torino"
indicating the reason for payment: "I intend to seal my television and indicates the number of my subscription No .......................",
2) Registered mail with return receipt to:
Respectable. "Internal Revenue Service Office Torino 1 - SAT TV subscriptions door - Cas. Post. 22-10121 Torino "
The undersigned requests the termination of the TV license and, therefore, grants permission - you or the Guardia di Finanza on your behalf - to have access to their residence in order to seal the TV type. .................................................. No. ..........( Role .......................... ......... ...............) held at his residence and only home. To this end it has paid the amount of € 5.16 by postal order No. ....................... of ....../......./...... (Attach a copy of the receipt of payment) on which indicated the number of role of the subscription. It also declares to be no longer in possession of the book of subscriptions and not have other TVs. He also declares - in what he can know - that the members of his family have only dwelling at his residence and not own other TV. Attach a photocopy of your ID Card. E 'informed of the penalties provided for in Article 76 of TU on administrative records (DPR 28/12/2000 n.445) in the case of false declaration in, falsehoods' in the acts, use and production of false documents or information containing no more 'satisfying truth', under his personal responsibility '
Name .................... ....................................... Name ................................................. ..........
Street ........................................... .......... City ................................................. .... Postcode .............
Telephone ........................................... .
Date .....................................
Signature .........................................
Send this recommended together with a copy of the receipt of money order.
Keep all documents.
Wait for the official SAT or the Guardia di Finanza on behalf of the SAT, is ringing the bell of your home and ask you to put on the TV in the burlap sack.
An official SAT or the Guardia di Finanza, must be agreed on appointment as are by carrying out a service that you requested, do not have the mandate of the Magistrate to forcibly enter your home and do a search.
You must be so cooperative, you find a house, the TV show and the official seal on the SAT or the Guardia di Finanza, which in the other rooms in your home there are other TVs.
We have received complaints from users because, although the past years from the request, no one has come to seal the TV.
If the official SAT or the Guardia di Finanza, you are still not in place, having complied with all as provided by law , and you are not required to pay the so-called canon.


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