Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Little Red Riding Hood: the original version and transformations in the history

The Grimm fairy tale sweetened

The best known version of "Little Red Riding Hood" is certainly one of Grimm (contained in the collection "Tales" from 1812 to 1822), we all have Listened children. In it the protagonist is "a girl so pretty and sweet" that the end is saved by the hunter.

Perrault a bad end for Little

A very different version is told by Perrault (in "The harvest of Mother Goose", 1697), in which you can see the sexual references in the original story, as in the part where the wolf asks the little girl to undress :

"The wolf, seeing her come in, he said, hiding under blankets: "Put the cake and the pot of butter on the sideboard, and come to bed with me." Hood Rosso si spogliò ed entrò nel letto, dove ebbe una gran sorpresa nel vedere com'era fatta la sua nonna, quando era tutta spogliata.”

Alla fine, poi, la povera cappuccetto rosso muore divorata dal lupo . Questo dà l’occasione a Perrault per trasmetterci la morale:

“La storia di Cappuccetto Rosso fa vedere ai giovinetti e alle giovinette, e segnatamente alle giovinette, che non bisogna mai fermarsi a discorrere per la strada con gente che non si conosce: perché dei lupi ce n'è dappertutto e di diverse specie, e i più pericolosi sono appunto quelli che hanno faccia di persone garbate e piene di complimenti e di belle maniere”
(trad. di Collodi)

Eppure, neanche questa versione moraleggiante mantiene gli elementi cannibalici e ritualizzati della versione originale.

La versione originale: il rito cannibalico

La tradizione orale, vera portavoce della storia before it was transcribed, handed down a particularly cruel to the very moment of encounter between Hood and the wolf (as can be seen eg from the collection of essays "Little Red Riding Hood a true story " edited by S. Calabrese and D. Feltracco, Meltemi 2008 ).

The wolf, with a ruse, asks the girl to eat the remains of grandmother, whom he had advanced. This detail is present in all the ancient versions (also evidenced by our "Italian Folktales" gathered by Calvino) and probably has a ritual significance : symbolizes the fertile young woman who takes the place of the old woman become infertile, or more generally the "death" metaphor of the older generation, driven out of the new one. In fact, the grandmother died, while you save Little Red Riding Hood.

The original conclusion

Surprise! The base version, as raw, finished well for the protagonist, that plus you save on its own without the help of any hunter or woodsman. There is no morality perraultiana given to good children, but is celebrated on the cunning peasant who wins the evil wolf, ol'orca hairy, short, or the enemy described in the various versions of the tale.
And how can we? So:

"-Grandma, I can not sleep without first going to make a Bisognin. The grandmother said: - Go into the stable to do so, I will fall for the trap door and then pull you up. The tied with a rope, and fell in the stable. The girl was down you just untied and tied a rope to the goat .- Have you finished? - Said the grandmother -. .- Wait a minute He finished the goat tying - Well, I'm done, take me on. "

Quote from " Italian Folktales "by Calvin , first edition 1956 (cited fable" The False Grandmother) .


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