Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Midrin Versus Fioricet

Bellagio sorge proprio in una posizione magnifica: tra i due rami del lago di Como . E' una località molto rinomata e se ci andate in alta stagione rischiate di trovare la ressa di turisti... per non parlare delle code! Per questo noi ci siamo andati in pieno inverno ...

...precisamente i primi di febbraio, conducted to surprise a bright sun to the point that it seemed almost spring.
I recommend you go there in a similar period, if you want to enjoy peace in the beauty of this place. And then the winter gives a special charm to lake scenery.

The scenery along the lake is breathtaking, with snow-capped mountains are reflected in the vast expanse of water.
But it's also nice to take a stroll within the city.

The streets are immaculate, with angles very delicious!

A nice picnic lunch along the lake, and the choice of a period of "calm" to organize the visit, will fully enjoy this beautiful place!


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