Thursday, February 10, 2011

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The powers of the stones with holes

Buongiorno a tutti, sono lo gnomo che abita nel rosmarino di chi scrive questo blog. Prendo di nuovo la parola per la mia rubrica di consigli sul mondo fatato .
La volta scorsa, vi avevo detto What NOT to do if you come across in a fairy circle . Today, I want to talk instead of doing something that is desirable, at least if you love the magic kingdom.
Well, if you're near a lake, a river or stream, and you are lucky enough to find a stone punctured ... just take it with you!

Image taken from here

Under certain conditions, for example during the night of summer solstice , looking into the hole you could see the true face of Faerie as behind the facade that usually appears to mortals.
give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow this kingdom? I'll use a couple of pictures of Josephine Wall, an artist who in my opinion has found his stone with holes.
For example, you could see inside a tree portal to other worlds ...

... or see the nymphs and the spirits that hide in the plants.

And you might even see my real comfortable house, hidden behind the simple appearance of a shrub of rosemary!


The gnome rosemary


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