Friday, February 18, 2011

Do I Have To Have Two Wedding Rings

Elsa Morante

"You know that I, for my fate, I was always of those who fall in love in an excessive and incurable, and which nobody ever falls in love. My mother was the first, and worst, of my unhappy love "(from Lie and spell )

In 1936 he met Alberto Moravia. Enzo Siciliano: He was 29 years old, she 24. Presented them in the Dreher brewery in Rome, the painter Giuseppe Capogrossi. The Morante lived completing thesis for third parties. He believed in Moravia to be a runaway and that he knew a gay English that just before she killed her lover. Of this homosexual - he said - she was madly in love. Moravia has credito a questa storia fino al 1982.
"Quando era bambina vedevo Elsa Morante, mia zia, come una donna sola e infelice e mettevo in relazione la sua infelicità con il mestiere di scrittrice. Un suo amico raccontava che negli ultimi anni Elsa chiedeva a tutti: "Qual'è secondo voi la frase d'amore più vera, quella che esprime al massimo il sentimento?". Tutti dicevano grandi cose. Lei rispondeva: "No, la frase d'amore, l'unica, è: hai mangiato?" (Laura Morante)

"Dicevo a Moravia che sarebbe stato meglio divorziare da Elsa, e lui rispondeva: Non vuole, non vuole, cosa vuoi che faccia? Elsa gli diceva: "Mi hai sposato davanti a Dio e solo lui può sciogliere il nostro vincolo". Era una ripicca. Elsa had a temper and sometimes broke out, crying. Alberto instead took a stutter, to straparlare ... he was afraid of her outbursts. We must not make a myth of Morante, it was not a saint. (Edith Bruck)
; ; ;
"I was born poor but I can not live in filth" (Elsa Morante, dying to the City of Rome, which offered her a bed in a small clinic Portuense)


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