Monday, February 28, 2011

Mobile Trailers For Sale Ontario

Fusilli with curry and onions: a recipe for those suffering from endometriosis

Il post di oggi partecipa all'iniziativa Contest perBene , lanciato dalla blogger Sunflowers. Lo scopo è sensibilizzare le persone sull' endometriosi : una malattia che colpisce le donne, non tanto conosciuta ma più diffusa di quanto si pensi.
Cliccate QUI per info e, se volete, per partecipare.

Per combattere l'infiammazione e il dolore che provoca questa malattia, l'alimentazione svolge un ruolo davvero importante .
I cibi are: whole grains, pasta, rice, beans, tuna, anchovies, olive oil, nuts and vegetables.
Foods no: dairy, red meat, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, saturated fats, butter and margarine, beverages high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, vegetable oils (from the blog of Sunflowers).
So: you can prepare tasty dishes without meat, dairy and fat?
Siiiii The answer is'!
Also because if the salt is reduced, the use of spices, including hot, it's ok.
I, for example, I offer my humble contribution with a recipe that uses a unique mix of spices: curry.

Deepening the curry

This curry I bought it in Piazza dei Mercanti , as I told HERE is from India and is distributed by the company Enodia .
If you have no way of circling for food markets, do not worry! The curry is also found in organic shops or supermarkets, the important thing is to check the quality of ingredients.
My curry, strong type MADRAS, contains: coriander, cumin, ginger, greek hay, cardamom, mace, cloves, mustard, chili, turmeric.
through the blog that I could make you feel the smell coming out of the jar just opened ...

I read the box:
With a warm and slightly spicy flavor, is ideal for sauces, with the white meat, or velvety mussels and seafood. Also recommended for vegetarians. Among the medicinal virtues stands out for its digestive properties.

And now that we have depth, we pass true to the recipe!

Fusilli with curry and onions

Preliminary note
This recipe lends itself to many variations . Instead of onions can be used leeks or red onions , or other vegetables you like, as finely sliced \u200b\u200bpeppers, zucchini or cut into thin slices.

Serves 2
- 160 grams fusilli
- 3 green onions
- 1 teaspoon curry
- extra virgin olive


sliced \u200b\u200bonions and brown them in a pan with a little oil. There is no need to add salt.

After a couple of minutes, when they are lightly browned, begin to add a bit 'of water. Regulator as follows: measured on a glass a little water and let it dry before adding another. More or less, the operation is repeated for 3 / 4 times, until the onions are softened.
In this way the onions take on a sweet taste, and side effects are eliminated type taste / pungent smell.
Turn off the heat and add the curry. Mix well, until everything will turn a beautiful yellow uniform.
Let there to add flavor and in the meantime, cook the fusilli until al dente.
Drain, pour the pan and stir well before Serve. If you want you can give even further steaming.
And now, we can only enjoy this fragrant, hot and sour taste! Appe


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